-meister \-meister\ suff. [G., master]
A suffix denoting master or professional practitioner, as in
spinmeister or hypemeister.
podobné slovodefinícia
Capellmeister \Ca*pell"meis`ter\, n. [G., fr. capelle chapel,
private band of a prince + meister a master.]
The musical director in a royal or ducal chapel; a
choir-master. [Written also kapellmeister.]
[1913 Webster]
Chunga burmeisteri
Seriema \Ser`i*e"ma\, n. [Native name.] (Zool.)
either of two large South American birds related to the
cranes, the cariama of Southern Brazil (Cariama cristata,
formerly Dicholophus cristata) or the Chunga burmeisteri
of Argentina. They have an erectile crest and a short, broad
bill. They are often domesticated.
[1913 Webster +PJC]chunga \chunga\ n.
The Argentinian cariama (Chunga burmeisteri).

Syn: seriema, Chunga burmeisteri.
[WordNet 1.5]
Concertmeister \Con*cert`meis"ter\, n. [G.] (Mus.)
The head violinist or leader of the strings in an orchestra;
the sub-leader of the orchestra; concert master.
[1913 Webster]
Kapellmeister \Ka*pell"meis`ter\, n. [G.] (Mus.)
See Capellmeister.
[1913 Webster]Capellmeister \Ca*pell"meis`ter\, n. [G., fr. capelle chapel,
private band of a prince + meister a master.]
The musical director in a royal or ducal chapel; a
choir-master. [Written also kapellmeister.]
[1913 Webster]
Kapellmeister \Ka*pell"meis`ter\, n. [G.] (Mus.)
See Capellmeister.
[1913 Webster]Capellmeister \Ca*pell"meis`ter\, n. [G., fr. capelle chapel,
private band of a prince + meister a master.]
The musical director in a royal or ducal chapel; a
choir-master. [Written also kapellmeister.]
[1913 Webster]
Meistersinger \Meis"ter*sing`er\, n. [G.]
See Mastersinger.
[1913 Webster]

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