- Anguilla
AIA,Air Intelligence Agency [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
Application Integration Architecture

(AIA) DEC's "open standards" specifications.
Application Integration Architecture
podobné slovodefinícia
- Anguilla
- Izaiáš
- Isaiah
AFAIAA,As Far As I Am Aware [zkr.]
AIA,Air Intelligence Agency [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
gaianism,gaianismus [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
Ghanaian,ghanský adj: Zdeněk Brož
guaiac, n:
guaiac wood
guaiac wood, n:
guaiacum, n:
guaiacum wood
guaiacum wood, n:
Isaiah,Isaiah n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
naiad,víla n: saša
naiad family
naiad family, n:
naiades,vodní víly n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
naiant, adj:
order naiadales
order Naiadales, n:
papaia, n:
Praia,hl.m. - Cape Verde n: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
gaianismus,gaianism[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
Isaiah,Isaiahn: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Achaean \A*ch[ae]"an\, Achaian \A*cha"ian\a. [L. Achaeus,
Achaius; Gr. ?.]
Of or pertaining to Achaia in Greece; also, Grecian. -- n. A
native of Achaia; a Greek.
[1913 Webster]
Altaian \Al*ta"ian\, Altaic \Al*ta"ic\, a. [Cf. F. alta["i]que.]
Of or pertaining to the Altai, a mountain chain in Central
[1913 Webster]
Avaiably \A*vai"a*bly\, adv.
In an available manner; profitably; advantageously;
[1913 Webster]
Cataian \Ca*ta"ian\, n.
A native of Cathay or China; a foreigner; -- formerly a term
of reproach. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Eucronia maia
Maia \Ma"i*a\, n. [From L. Maia, a goddess.] (Zool.)
(a) A genus of spider crabs, including the common European
species (Maia squinado).
(b) A beautiful American bombycid moth (Eucronia maia).
[1913 Webster]
Gaea \Gaea\ (j[=e]"[.a]), prop. n. [Gr. Gai^a, Gh^] (Mythol.)
The goddess of the earth, considered as a personification of
the earth. According to Hesiod she was the first-born of
Chaos, and mother of Uranus, Pontus, Cronus and the Titans in
ancient mythology. [Also spelled Gaia.]

Syn: Gaia, Ge.
[WordNet 1.5]Gaia \Gaia\ prop. n. [Gr. gai^a earth.]
Goddess of the earth; same as Gaea.

Syn: Gaea, Ge.
[WordNet 1.5]
Ghanaian \Ghanaian\ adj.
1. of or pertaining to the inhabitants of Ghana; as, Ghanaian

Syn: Ghanian, Ghanese.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. of or pertaining to Ghana. Ghanaian cocoa production

Syn: Ghanese, Ghanian.
[WordNet 1.5]
Guaiac \Gua"iac\, a. [See Guaiacum.]
Pertaining to, or resembling, guaiacum. -- n. Guaiacum.
[1913 Webster]Guaiacum \Gua"ia*cum\, n. [NL., fr. Sp. guayaco, from native
name in Haiti.]
1. (Bot.) A genus of small, crooked trees, growing in
tropical America.
[1913 Webster]

2. The heart wood or the resin of the Guaiacum officinale
or lignum-vit[ae], a large tree of the West Indies and
Central America. It is much used in medicine. [Written
also guaiac.]
[1913 Webster]
Guaiac \Gua"iac\, a. [See Guaiacum.]
Pertaining to, or resembling, guaiacum. -- n. Guaiacum.
[1913 Webster]Guaiacum \Gua"ia*cum\, n. [NL., fr. Sp. guayaco, from native
name in Haiti.]
1. (Bot.) A genus of small, crooked trees, growing in
tropical America.
[1913 Webster]

2. The heart wood or the resin of the Guaiacum officinale
or lignum-vit[ae], a large tree of the West Indies and
Central America. It is much used in medicine. [Written
also guaiac.]
[1913 Webster]
Guaiacol \Guai"a*col\, n. [Guaiacum + -ol.] (Chem.)
A colorless liquid, C7H8O2, with a peculiar odor. It is the
methyl ether of pyrocatechin, and is obtained by distilling
guaiacum from wood-tar creosote, and in other ways. It has
been used in the past for treating pulmonary tuberculosis.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Guaiacum \Gua"ia*cum\, n. [NL., fr. Sp. guayaco, from native
name in Haiti.]
1. (Bot.) A genus of small, crooked trees, growing in
tropical America.
[1913 Webster]

2. The heart wood or the resin of the Guaiacum officinale
or lignum-vit[ae], a large tree of the West Indies and
Central America. It is much used in medicine. [Written
also guaiac.]
[1913 Webster]Lignum-vitae \Lig"num-vi"tae\ (l[i^]g"n[u^]m v[imac]"t[=e]), n.
[L., wood of life; lignum wood + vita, genitive vit[ae],
life.] (Bot.)
A tree (Guaiacum officinale) found in the warm latitudes of
America, from which the guaiacum of medicine is procured.
Its wood is very hard and heavy, and is used for various
mechanical purposes, as for the wheels of ships' blocks,
cogs, bearings, and the like. See Guaiacum.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In New Zealand the Metrosideros buxifolia is called
lignum-vit[ae], and in Australia a species of Acacia.
The bastard lignum-vit[ae] is a West Indian tree
(Sarcomphalus laurinus).
[1913 Webster]
Guaiacum \Gua"ia*cum\, n. [NL., fr. Sp. guayaco, from native
name in Haiti.]
1. (Bot.) A genus of small, crooked trees, growing in
tropical America.
[1913 Webster]

2. The heart wood or the resin of the Guaiacum officinale
or lignum-vit[ae], a large tree of the West Indies and
Central America. It is much used in medicine. [Written
also guaiac.]
[1913 Webster]Lignum-vitae \Lig"num-vi"tae\ (l[i^]g"n[u^]m v[imac]"t[=e]), n.
[L., wood of life; lignum wood + vita, genitive vit[ae],
life.] (Bot.)
A tree (Guaiacum officinale) found in the warm latitudes of
America, from which the guaiacum of medicine is procured.
Its wood is very hard and heavy, and is used for various
mechanical purposes, as for the wheels of ships' blocks,
cogs, bearings, and the like. See Guaiacum.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In New Zealand the Metrosideros buxifolia is called
lignum-vit[ae], and in Australia a species of Acacia.
The bastard lignum-vit[ae] is a West Indian tree
(Sarcomphalus laurinus).
[1913 Webster]
Guaiacum officinale
Guaiacum \Gua"ia*cum\, n. [NL., fr. Sp. guayaco, from native
name in Haiti.]
1. (Bot.) A genus of small, crooked trees, growing in
tropical America.
[1913 Webster]

2. The heart wood or the resin of the Guaiacum officinale
or lignum-vit[ae], a large tree of the West Indies and
Central America. It is much used in medicine. [Written
also guaiac.]
[1913 Webster]Lignum-vitae \Lig"num-vi"tae\ (l[i^]g"n[u^]m v[imac]"t[=e]), n.
[L., wood of life; lignum wood + vita, genitive vit[ae],
life.] (Bot.)
A tree (Guaiacum officinale) found in the warm latitudes of
America, from which the guaiacum of medicine is procured.
Its wood is very hard and heavy, and is used for various
mechanical purposes, as for the wheels of ships' blocks,
cogs, bearings, and the like. See Guaiacum.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In New Zealand the Metrosideros buxifolia is called
lignum-vit[ae], and in Australia a species of Acacia.
The bastard lignum-vit[ae] is a West Indian tree
(Sarcomphalus laurinus).
[1913 Webster]
Lithodes maia
Stone \Stone\, n. [OE. ston, stan, AS. st[=a]n; akin to OS. &
OFries. st[=e]n, D. steen, G. stein, Icel. steinn, Sw. sten,
Dan. steen, Goth. stains, Russ. stiena a wall, Gr. ?, ?, a
pebble. [root]167. Cf. Steen.]
1. Concreted earthy or mineral matter; also, any particular
mass of such matter; as, a house built of stone; the boy
threw a stone; pebbles are rounded stones. "Dumb as a
stone." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

They had brick for stone, and slime . . . for
mortar. --Gen. xi. 3.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In popular language, very large masses of stone are
called rocks; small masses are called stones; and the
finer kinds, gravel, or sand, or grains of sand. Stone
is much and widely used in the construction of
buildings of all kinds, for walls, fences, piers,
abutments, arches, monuments, sculpture, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

2. A precious stone; a gem. "Many a rich stone." --Chaucer.
"Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Something made of stone. Specifically:
[1913 Webster]
(a) The glass of a mirror; a mirror. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Lend me a looking-glass;
If that her breath will mist or stain the stone,
Why, then she lives. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
(b) A monument to the dead; a gravestone. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

Should some relenting eye
Glance on the where our cold relics lie. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Med.) A calculous concretion, especially one in the
kidneys or bladder; the disease arising from a calculus.
[1913 Webster]

5. One of the testes; a testicle. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Bot.) The hard endocarp of drupes; as, the stone of a
cherry or peach. See Illust. of Endocarp.
[1913 Webster]

7. A weight which legally is fourteen pounds, but in practice
varies with the article weighed. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: The stone of butchers' meat or fish is reckoned at 8
lbs.; of cheese, 16 lbs.; of hemp, 32 lbs.; of glass, 5
[1913 Webster]

8. Fig.: Symbol of hardness and insensibility; torpidness;
insensibility; as, a heart of stone.
[1913 Webster]

I have not yet forgot myself to stone. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Print.) A stand or table with a smooth, flat top of
stone, commonly marble, on which to arrange the pages of a
book, newspaper, etc., before printing; -- called also
imposing stone.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Stone is used adjectively or in composition with other
words to denote made of stone, containing a stone or
stones, employed on stone, or, more generally, of or
pertaining to stone or stones; as, stone fruit, or
stone-fruit; stone-hammer, or stone hammer; stone
falcon, or stone-falcon. Compounded with some
adjectives it denotes a degree of the quality expressed
by the adjective equal to that possessed by a stone;
as, stone-dead, stone-blind, stone-cold, stone-still,
[1913 Webster]

Atlantic stone, ivory. [Obs.] "Citron tables, or Atlantic
stone." --Milton.

Bowing stone. Same as Cromlech. --Encyc. Brit.

Meteoric stones, stones which fall from the atmosphere, as
after the explosion of a meteor.

Philosopher's stone. See under Philosopher.

Rocking stone. See Rocking-stone.

Stone age, a supposed prehistoric age of the world when
stone and bone were habitually used as the materials for
weapons and tools; -- called also flint age. The {bronze
age} succeeded to this.

Stone bass (Zool.), any one of several species of marine
food fishes of the genus Serranus and allied genera, as
Serranus Couchii, and Polyprion cernium of Europe; --
called also sea perch.

Stone biter (Zool.), the wolf fish.

Stone boiling, a method of boiling water or milk by
dropping hot stones into it, -- in use among savages.

Stone borer (Zool.), any animal that bores stones;
especially, one of certain bivalve mollusks which burrow
in limestone. See Lithodomus, and Saxicava.

Stone bramble (Bot.), a European trailing species of
bramble (Rubus saxatilis).

Stone-break. [Cf. G. steinbrech.] (Bot.) Any plant of the
genus Saxifraga; saxifrage.

Stone bruise, a sore spot on the bottom of the foot, from a
bruise by a stone.

Stone canal. (Zool.) Same as Sand canal, under Sand.

Stone cat (Zool.), any one of several species of small
fresh-water North American catfishes of the genus
Noturus. They have sharp pectoral spines with which they
inflict painful wounds.

Stone coal, hard coal; mineral coal; anthracite coal.

Stone coral (Zool.), any hard calcareous coral.

Stone crab. (Zool.)
(a) A large crab (Menippe mercenaria) found on the
southern coast of the United States and much used as
(b) A European spider crab (Lithodes maia).

Stone crawfish (Zool.), a European crawfish ({Astacus
torrentium}), by many writers considered only a variety of
the common species (Astacus fluviatilis).

Stone curlew. (Zool.)
(a) A large plover found in Europe ({Edicnemus
crepitans}). It frequents stony places. Called also
thick-kneed plover or bustard, and thick-knee.
(b) The whimbrel. [Prov. Eng.]
(c) The willet. [Local, U.S.]

Stone crush. Same as Stone bruise, above.

Stone eater. (Zool.) Same as Stone borer, above.

Stone falcon (Zool.), the merlin.

Stone fern (Bot.), a European fern (Asplenium Ceterach)
which grows on rocks and walls.

Stone fly (Zool.), any one of many species of
pseudoneuropterous insects of the genus Perla and allied
genera; a perlid. They are often used by anglers for bait.
The larvae are aquatic.

Stone fruit (Bot.), any fruit with a stony endocarp; a
drupe, as a peach, plum, or cherry.

Stone grig (Zool.), the mud lamprey, or pride.

Stone hammer, a hammer formed with a face at one end, and a
thick, blunt edge, parallel with the handle, at the other,
-- used for breaking stone.

Stone hawk (Zool.), the merlin; -- so called from its habit
of sitting on bare stones.

Stone jar, a jar made of stoneware.

Stone lily (Paleon.), a fossil crinoid.

Stone lugger. (Zool.) See Stone roller, below.

Stone marten (Zool.), a European marten (Mustela foina)
allied to the pine marten, but having a white throat; --
called also beech marten.

Stone mason, a mason who works or builds in stone.

Stone-mortar (Mil.), a kind of large mortar formerly used
in sieges for throwing a mass of small stones short

Stone oil, rock oil, petroleum.

Stone parsley (Bot.), an umbelliferous plant ({Seseli
Labanotis}). See under Parsley.

Stone pine. (Bot.) A nut pine. See the Note under Pine,
and Pi[~n]on.

Stone pit, a quarry where stones are dug.

Stone pitch, hard, inspissated pitch.

Stone plover. (Zool.)
(a) The European stone curlew.
(b) Any one of several species of Asiatic plovers of the
genus Esacus; as, the large stone plover ({Esacus
(c) The gray or black-bellied plover. [Prov. Eng.]
(d) The ringed plover.
(e) The bar-tailed godwit. [Prov. Eng.] Also applied to
other species of limicoline birds.

Stone roller. (Zool.)
(a) An American fresh-water fish (Catostomus nigricans)
of the Sucker family. Its color is yellowish olive,
often with dark blotches. Called also stone lugger,
stone toter, hog sucker, hog mullet.
(b) A common American cyprinoid fish ({Campostoma
anomalum}); -- called also stone lugger.

Stone's cast, or Stone's throw, the distance to which a
stone may be thrown by the hand; as, they live a stone's
throw from each other.

Stone snipe (Zool.), the greater yellowlegs, or tattler.
[Local, U.S.]

Stone toter. (Zool.)
(a) See Stone roller
(a), above.
(b) A cyprinoid fish (Exoglossum maxillingua) found in
the rivers from Virginia to New York. It has a
three-lobed lower lip; -- called also cutlips.

To leave no stone unturned, to do everything that can be
done; to use all practicable means to effect an object.
[1913 Webster]
Maia \Ma"i*a\, n. [From L. Maia, a goddess.] (Zool.)
(a) A genus of spider crabs, including the common European
species (Maia squinado).
(b) A beautiful American bombycid moth (Eucronia maia).
[1913 Webster]
Maia squinado
King \King\, n. [AS. cyng, cyning; akin to OS. kuning, D.
koning, OHG. kuning, G. k["o]nig, Icel. konungr, Sw. konung,
Dan. konge; formed with a patronymic ending, and fr. the root
of E. kin; cf. Icel. konr a man of noble birth. [root]44. See
1. A chief ruler; a sovereign; one invested with supreme
authority over a nation, country, or tribe, usually by
hereditary succession; a monarch; a prince. "Ay, every
inch a king." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Kings will be tyrants from policy, when subjects are
rebels from principle. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

There was a State without king or nobles. --R.
[1913 Webster]

But yonder comes the powerful King of Day,
Rejoicing in the east --Thomson.
[1913 Webster]

2. One who, or that which, holds a supreme position or rank;
a chief among competitors; as, a railroad king; a money
king; the king of the lobby; the king of beasts.
[1913 Webster]

3. A playing card having the picture of a king[1]; as, the
king of diamonds.
[1913 Webster]

4. The chief piece in the game of chess.
[1913 Webster]

5. A crowned man in the game of draughts.
[1913 Webster]

6. pl. The title of two historical books in the Old
[1913 Webster]

Note: King is often used adjectively, or in combination, to
denote pre["e]minence or superiority in some
particular; as, kingbird; king crow; king vulture.
[1913 Webster]

Apostolic king. See Apostolic.

King-at-arms, or King-of-arms, the chief heraldic officer
of a country. In England the king-at-arms was formerly of
great authority. His business is to direct the heralds,
preside at their chapters, and have the jurisdiction of
armory. There are three principal kings-at-arms, viz.,
Garter, Clarencieux, and Norroy. The latter (literally
north roy or north king) officiates north of the Trent.

King auk (Zool.), the little auk or sea dove.

King bird of paradise. (Zool.), See Bird of paradise.

King card, in whist, the best unplayed card of each suit;
thus, if the ace and king of a suit have been played, the
queen is the king card of the suit.

King Cole, a legendary king of Britain, who is said to have
reigned in the third century.

King conch (Zool.), a large and handsome univalve shell
(Cassis cameo), found in the West Indies. It is used for
making cameos. See Helmet shell, under Helmet.

King Cotton, a popular personification of the great staple
production of the southern United States.

King crab. (Zool.)
(a) The limulus or horseshoe crab. See Limulus.
(b) The large European spider crab or thornback ({Maia
(c) A large crab of the northern Pacific ({Paralithodes
camtshatica}), especially abundant on the coasts of
Alaska and Japan, and popular as a food; called also
Alaskan king crab.

King crow. (Zool.)
(a) A black drongo shrike (Buchanga atra) of India; --
so called because, while breeding, they attack and
drive away hawks, crows, and other large birds.
(b) The Dicrurus macrocercus of India, a crested bird
with a long, forked tail. Its color is black, with
green and blue reflections. Called also devil bird.

King duck (Zool.), a large and handsome eider duck
(Somateria spectabilis), inhabiting the arctic regions
of both continents.

King eagle (Zool.), an eagle (Aquila heliaca) found in
Asia and Southeastern Europe. It is about as large as the
golden eagle. Some writers believe it to be the imperial
eagle of Rome.

King hake (Zool.), an American hake (Phycis regius),
found in deep water along the Atlantic coast.

King monkey (Zool.), an African monkey ({Colobus
polycomus}), inhabiting Sierra Leone.

King mullet (Zool.), a West Indian red mullet ({Upeneus
maculatus}); -- so called on account of its great beauty.
Called also goldfish.

King of terrors, death.

King parrakeet (Zool.), a handsome Australian parrakeet
(Platycercys scapulatus), often kept in a cage. Its
prevailing color is bright red, with the back and wings
bright green, the rump blue, and tail black.

King penguin (Zool.), any large species of penguin of the
genus Aptenodytes; esp., Aptenodytes longirostris, of
the Falkland Islands and Kerguelen Land, and {Aptenodytes
Patagonica}, of Patagonia.

King rail (Zool.), a small American rail ({Rallus
elegans}), living in fresh-water marshes. The upper parts
are fulvous brown, striped with black; the breast is deep
cinnamon color.

King salmon (Zool.), the quinnat. See Quinnat.

King's counsel, or Queen's counsel (Eng. Law), barristers
learned in the law, who have been called within the bar,
and selected to be the king's or queen's counsel. They
answer in some measure to the advocates of the revenue
(advocati fisci) among the Romans. They can not be
employed against the crown without special license.
--Wharton's Law Dict.

King's cushion, a temporary seat made by two persons
crossing their hands. [Prov. Eng.] --Halliwell.

The king's English, correct or current language of good
speakers; pure English. --Shak.

King's evidence or Queen's evidence, testimony in favor
of the Crown by a witness who confesses his guilt as an
accomplice. See under Evidence. [Eng.]

King's evil, scrofula; -- so called because formerly
supposed to be healed by the touch of a king.

King snake (Zool.), a large, nearly black, harmless snake
(Ophiobolus getulus) of the Southern United States; --
so called because it kills and eats other kinds of snakes,
including even the rattlesnake.

King's spear (Bot.), the white asphodel ({Asphodelus

King's yellow, a yellow pigment, consisting essentially of
sulphide and oxide of arsenic; -- called also {yellow

King tody (Zool.), a small fly-catching bird ({Eurylaimus
serilophus}) of tropical America. The head is adorned with
a large, spreading, fan-shaped crest, which is bright red,
edged with black.

King vulture (Zool.), a large species of vulture
(Sarcorhamphus papa), ranging from Mexico to Paraguay,
The general color is white. The wings and tail are black,
and the naked carunculated head and the neck are
briliantly colored with scarlet, yellow, orange, and blue.
So called because it drives away other vultures while

King wood, a wood from Brazil, called also violet wood,
beautifully streaked in violet tints, used in turning and
small cabinetwork. The tree is probably a species of
Dalbergia. See Jacaranda.
[1913 Webster]Maia \Ma"i*a\, n. [From L. Maia, a goddess.] (Zool.)
(a) A genus of spider crabs, including the common European
species (Maia squinado).
(b) A beautiful American bombycid moth (Eucronia maia).
[1913 Webster]Thornback \Thorn"back`\, n.
1. (Zool.) A European skate (Raia clavata) having thornlike
spines on its back.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) The large European spider crab or king crab ({Maia
[1913 Webster]
Maian \Ma"ian\, n. (Zool.)
Any spider crab of the genus Maia, or family Maiadae.
[1913 Webster]
Menaion \Me*na"ion\ (m[-e]*n[=a]"y[o^]n), n.; pl. Menaia
(-y[.a]). [NL., from Gr. mhnai^os monthly.] (Eccl.)
A work of twelve volumes, each containing the offices in the
Greek Church for a month; also, each volume of the same.
[1913 Webster] Menild
Naia tripudians
Cobra de capello \Co"bra de ca*pel"lo\ [Pg., serpent of the
hood.] (Zool.)
The hooded snake (Naia tripudians), a highly venomous
serpent inhabiting India.
[1913 Webster]
nymph \nymph\ (n[i^]mf), n. [L. nympha nymph, bride, young
woman, Gr. ny`mfh: cf. F. nymphe. Cf. Nuptial.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Class. Myth.) A goddess of the mountains, forests,
meadows, or waters.
[1913 Webster]

Where were ye, nymphs, when the remorseless deep
Closed o'er the head of your loved Lycidas?
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence: A lovely young girl; a maiden; a damsel.
[1913 Webster]

Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) The pupa of an insect; a chrysalis.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) Any one of a subfamily (Najades) of butterflies
including the purples, the fritillaries, the peacock
butterfly, etc.; -- called also naiad.
[1913 Webster]Naiad \Na"iad\ (n[=a]"y[a^]d; 277), n. [L. naias, -adis,
na["i]s, -idis, a water nymph, Gr nai:a`s, nai:`s, fr. na`ein
to flow: cf. F. na["i]ade. Cf. Naid.]
1. (Myth.) A water nymph; one of the lower female divinities,
fabled to preside over some body of fresh water, as a
lake, river, brook, or fountain.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any species of a tribe (Naiades) of freshwater
bivalves, including Unio, Anodonta, and numerous
allied genera; a river mussel.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool) One of a group of butterflies. See Nymph.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.) Any plant of the order Naiadaceae, such as
eelgrass, pondweed, etc.
[1913 Webster]
nymph \nymph\ (n[i^]mf), n. [L. nympha nymph, bride, young
woman, Gr. ny`mfh: cf. F. nymphe. Cf. Nuptial.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Class. Myth.) A goddess of the mountains, forests,
meadows, or waters.
[1913 Webster]

Where were ye, nymphs, when the remorseless deep
Closed o'er the head of your loved Lycidas?
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence: A lovely young girl; a maiden; a damsel.
[1913 Webster]

Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) The pupa of an insect; a chrysalis.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) Any one of a subfamily (Najades) of butterflies
including the purples, the fritillaries, the peacock
butterfly, etc.; -- called also naiad.
[1913 Webster]Naiad \Na"iad\ (n[=a]"y[a^]d; 277), n. [L. naias, -adis,
na["i]s, -idis, a water nymph, Gr nai:a`s, nai:`s, fr. na`ein
to flow: cf. F. na["i]ade. Cf. Naid.]
1. (Myth.) A water nymph; one of the lower female divinities,
fabled to preside over some body of fresh water, as a
lake, river, brook, or fountain.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any species of a tribe (Naiades) of freshwater
bivalves, including Unio, Anodonta, and numerous
allied genera; a river mussel.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool) One of a group of butterflies. See Nymph.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.) Any plant of the order Naiadaceae, such as
eelgrass, pondweed, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Naiadaceae \Naiadaceae\ prop. n.
A monotypic family of aquatic plants having narrow leaves and
small flowers.

Syn: family Naiadaceae, Najadaceae, family Najadaceae,
naiad family.
[WordNet 1.5]
naiant \na"iant\, a. (Her.)
See Natant. --Crabb.
[1913 Webster]
Promicrops itaiara
Jewfish \Jew"fish`\, n. (Zool.)
1. A very large serranoid fish (Promicrops itaiara) of
Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. It often reaches the
weight of five hundred pounds. Its color is olivaceous or
yellowish, with numerous brown spots. Called also guasa,
and warsaw.
[1913 Webster]

2. A similar gigantic fish (Stereolepis gigas) of Southern
California, valued as a food fish.
[1913 Webster]

3. The black grouper of Florida and Texas.
[1913 Webster]

4. A large herringlike fish; the tarpum.
[1913 Webster]
Quillaia bark
Quillaia bark \Quil*la"ia bark`\ (Bot.)
The bark of a rosaceous tree (Quillaja Saponaria), native
of Chile. The bark is finely laminated, and very heavy with
alkaline substances, and is used commonly by the Chileans
instead of soap. Also called soap bark.
[1913 Webster]
Raia \Ra"ia\ (r[=a]"y[.a]), n. [L., a ray. Cf. Ray the fish.]
A genus of rays which includes the skates. See Skate.
[1913 Webster]
Raia alba
Friar \Fri"ar\, n. [OR. frere, F. fr[`e]re brother, friar, fr.
L. frater brother. See Brother.]
1. (R. C. Ch.) A brother or member of any religious order,
but especially of one of the four mendicant orders, viz:
(a) Minors, Gray Friars, or Franciscans. {(b)
Augustines}. (c) Dominicans or Black Friars. {(d) White
Friars or Carmelites.} See these names in the Vocabulary.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Print.) A white or pale patch on a printed page.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) An American fish; the silversides.
[1913 Webster]

Friar bird (Zool.), an Australian bird ({Tropidorhynchus
corniculatus}), having the head destitute of feathers; --
called also coldong, leatherhead, pimlico; {poor
soldier}, and four-o'clock. The name is also applied to
several other species of the same genus.

Friar's balsam (Med.), a stimulating application for wounds
and ulcers, being an alcoholic solution of benzoin,
styrax, tolu balsam, and aloes; compound tincture of
benzoin. --Brande & C.

Friar's cap (Bot.), the monkshood.

Friar's cowl (Bot.), an arumlike plant (Arisarum vulgare)
with a spathe or involucral leaf resembling a cowl.

Friar's lantern, the ignis fatuus or Will-o'-the-wisp.

Friar skate (Zool.), the European white or sharpnosed skate
(Raia alba); -- called also Burton skate, {border
ray}, scad, and doctor.
[1913 Webster]
Raia batis
Skate \Skate\, n. [Icel. skata; cf. Prov. G. schatten,
meer-schatten, L. squatus, squatina, and E. shad.] (Zool.)
Any one of numerous species of large, flat elasmobranch
fishes of the genus Raia, having a long, slender tail,
terminated by a small caudal fin. The pectoral fins, which
are large and broad and united to the sides of the body and
head, give a somewhat rhombic form to these fishes. The skin
is more or less spinose.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Some of the species are used for food, as the European
blue or gray skate (Raia batis), which sometimes
weighs nearly 200 pounds. The American smooth, or
barn-door, skate (Raia laevis) is also a large
species, often becoming three or four feet across. The
common spiny skate (Raia erinacea) is much smaller.
[1913 Webster]

Skate's egg. See Sea purse.

Skate sucker, any marine leech of the genus Pontobdella,
parasitic on skates.
[1913 Webster]Maid \Maid\, n. [Shortened from maiden. ?. See Maiden.]
1. An unmarried woman; usually, a young unmarried woman;
esp., a girl; a virgin; a maiden.
[1913 Webster]

Would I had died a maid,
And never seen thee, never borne thee son. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her
attire? Yet my people have forgotten me. --Jer. ii.
[1913 Webster]

2. A man who has not had sexual intercourse. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Christ was a maid and shapen as a man. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

3. A female servant.
[1913 Webster]

Spinning amongst her maids. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Maid is used either adjectively or in composition,
signifying female, as in maid child, maidservant.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) The female of a ray or skate, esp. of the gray
skate (Raia batis), and of the thornback ({Raia
clavata}). [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Fair maid. (Zool.) See under Fair, a.

Maid of honor, a female attendant of a queen or royal
princess; -- usually of noble family, and having to
perform only nominal or honorary duties.

Old maid. See under Old.
[1913 Webster]
Raia clavata
Maid \Maid\, n. [Shortened from maiden. ?. See Maiden.]
1. An unmarried woman; usually, a young unmarried woman;
esp., a girl; a virgin; a maiden.
[1913 Webster]

Would I had died a maid,
And never seen thee, never borne thee son. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her
attire? Yet my people have forgotten me. --Jer. ii.
[1913 Webster]

2. A man who has not had sexual intercourse. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Christ was a maid and shapen as a man. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

3. A female servant.
[1913 Webster]

Spinning amongst her maids. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Maid is used either adjectively or in composition,
signifying female, as in maid child, maidservant.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) The female of a ray or skate, esp. of the gray
skate (Raia batis), and of the thornback ({Raia
clavata}). [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Fair maid. (Zool.) See under Fair, a.

Maid of honor, a female attendant of a queen or royal
princess; -- usually of noble family, and having to
perform only nominal or honorary duties.

Old maid. See under Old.
[1913 Webster]Thornback \Thorn"back`\, n.
1. (Zool.) A European skate (Raia clavata) having thornlike
spines on its back.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) The large European spider crab or king crab ({Maia
[1913 Webster]
Raia erinacea
Skate \Skate\, n. [Icel. skata; cf. Prov. G. schatten,
meer-schatten, L. squatus, squatina, and E. shad.] (Zool.)
Any one of numerous species of large, flat elasmobranch
fishes of the genus Raia, having a long, slender tail,
terminated by a small caudal fin. The pectoral fins, which
are large and broad and united to the sides of the body and
head, give a somewhat rhombic form to these fishes. The skin
is more or less spinose.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Some of the species are used for food, as the European
blue or gray skate (Raia batis), which sometimes
weighs nearly 200 pounds. The American smooth, or
barn-door, skate (Raia laevis) is also a large
species, often becoming three or four feet across. The
common spiny skate (Raia erinacea) is much smaller.
[1913 Webster]

Skate's egg. See Sea purse.

Skate sucker, any marine leech of the genus Pontobdella,
parasitic on skates.
[1913 Webster]
Raia intermedia
Flapper \Flap"per\, n.
1. One who, or that which, flaps.
[1913 Webster]

2. See Flipper. "The flapper of a porpoise." --Buckley.
[1913 Webster]

3. A flat object used to make a flapping noise by striking
another object. --RHUD

4. A flat and broad object hanging from a larger object,
either flexible like rubber or hinged to allow a swinging
motion; a flap.

5. A young woman who dresses in a modern, stylish manner and
behaves unconventionally in social situations; -- a term
used especially to refer to young women during the 1920's
and their peculiar style of dress.

Flapper skate (Zool.), a European skate ({Raia
[1913 Webster]
Raia laevis
Skate \Skate\, n. [Icel. skata; cf. Prov. G. schatten,
meer-schatten, L. squatus, squatina, and E. shad.] (Zool.)
Any one of numerous species of large, flat elasmobranch
fishes of the genus Raia, having a long, slender tail,
terminated by a small caudal fin. The pectoral fins, which
are large and broad and united to the sides of the body and
head, give a somewhat rhombic form to these fishes. The skin
is more or less spinose.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Some of the species are used for food, as the European
blue or gray skate (Raia batis), which sometimes
weighs nearly 200 pounds. The American smooth, or
barn-door, skate (Raia laevis) is also a large
species, often becoming three or four feet across. The
common spiny skate (Raia erinacea) is much smaller.
[1913 Webster]

Skate's egg. See Sea purse.

Skate sucker, any marine leech of the genus Pontobdella,
parasitic on skates.
[1913 Webster]
Raia maculata
Homelyn \Home"lyn\, n. [Scot. hommelin.] (Zool)
The European sand ray (Raia maculata); -- called also
home, mirror ray, and rough ray.
[1913 Webster]
Raia miraletus
Cuckoo \Cuck"oo\ (k[oo^]k"[=oo]), n. [OE. coccou, cukkow, F.
coucou, prob. of imitative origin; cf. L. cuculus, Gr. ????,
Skr. k?ki?a, G. kuckuk, D. koekoek.] (Zool.)
A bird belonging to Cuculus, Coccyzus, and several allied
genera, of many species.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The European cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) builds no nest
of its own, but lays its eggs in the nests of other
birds, to be hatched by them. The American
yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus Americanus) and the
black-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus erythrophthalmus) build
their own nests.
[1913 Webster]

Cuckoo clock, a clock so constructed that at the time for
striking it gives forth sounds resembling the cry of the

Cuckoo dove (Zool.), a long-tailed pigeon of the genus
Macropygia. Many species inhabit the East Indies.

Cuckoo fish (Zool.), the European red gurnard ({Trigla
cuculus}). The name probably alludes to the sound that it

Cuckoo falcon (Zool.), any falcon of the genus Baza. The
genus inhabits Africa and the East Indies.

Cuckoo maid (Zool.), the wryneck; -- called also {cuckoo

Cuckoo ray (Zool.), a British ray (Raia miraletus).

Cuckoo spit, or Cuckoo spittle.
(a) A frothy secretion found upon plants, exuded by the
larvae of certain insects, for concealment; -- called
also toad spittle and frog spit.
(b) (Zool.) A small hemipterous insect, the larva of which,
living on grass and the leaves of plants, exudes this
secretion. The insects belong to Aphrophora,
Helochara, and allied genera.

Ground cuckoo, the chaparral cock.
[1913 Webster]
Raia radiata
Ray \Ray\, n. [F. raie, L. raia. Cf. Roach.] (Zool.)
(a) Any one of numerous elasmobranch fishes of the order
Raiae, including the skates, torpedoes, sawfishes, etc.
(b) In a restricted sense, any of the broad, flat,
narrow-tailed species, as the skates and sting rays. See
[1913 Webster]

Bishop ray, a yellow-spotted, long-tailed eagle ray
(Aetobatus narinari syn. Stoasodon narinari) of the
Southern United States and the West Indies; also called
the spotted eagle ray and white-spotted eagle ray.

Butterfly ray, a short-tailed American sting ray
(Pteroplatea Maclura), having very broad pectoral fins.

Devil ray. See Sea Devil.

Eagle ray, any large ray of the family Myliobatidae, or
Aetobatidae. The common European species ({Myliobatis
aquila}) is called also whip ray, and miller.

Electric ray, or Cramp ray, a torpedo.

Starry ray, a common European skate (Raia radiata).

Sting ray, any one of numerous species of rays of the
family Trygonidae having one or more large, sharp,
barbed dorsal spines on the whiplike tail. Called also
[1913 Webster]Starry \Star"ry\ (st[aum]r"r[y^]), a.
1. Abounding with stars; adorned with stars. "Above the
starry sky." --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

2. Consisting of, or proceeding from, the stars; stellar;
stellary; as, starry light; starry flame.
[1913 Webster]

Do not Christians and Heathens, Jews and Gentiles,
poets and philosophers, unite in allowing the starry
influence? --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

3. Shining like stars; sparkling; as, starry eyes.
[1913 Webster]

4. Arranged in rays like those of a star; stellate.
[1913 Webster]

Starry ray (Zool.), a European skate (Raia radiata); --
so called from the stellate bases of the dorsal spines.
[1913 Webster]
Raiae \Ra"iae\ (r[=a]"y[=e]), n. pl. [NL. See Raia.] (Zool.)
The order of elasmobranch fishes which includes the
sawfishes, skates, and rays; -- called also Rajae, and
[1913 Webster]
Rosa wichuraiana
Memorial rose \Memorial rose\
A Japanese evergreen rose (Rosa wichuraiana) with creeping
branches, shining leaves, and single white flowers. It is
often planted in cemeteries.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Sapucaia \Sap`u*ca"ia\ (?; Pg. ?), n. [Pg. sapucaya.] (Bot.)
A Brazilian tree. See Lecythis, and Monkey-pot. [Written
also sapucaya.]
[1913 Webster]

Sapucaia nut (Bot.), the seed of the sapucaia; -- called
also paradise nut.
[1913 Webster]
Sapucaia nut
Sapucaia \Sap`u*ca"ia\ (?; Pg. ?), n. [Pg. sapucaya.] (Bot.)
A Brazilian tree. See Lecythis, and Monkey-pot. [Written
also sapucaya.]
[1913 Webster]

Sapucaia nut (Bot.), the seed of the sapucaia; -- called
also paradise nut.
[1913 Webster]
Tupaia ferruginea
Press \Press\, n. (Zool.)
An East Indian insectivore (Tupaia ferruginea). It is
arboreal in its habits, and has a bushy tail. The fur is
soft, and varies from rusty red to maroon and to brownish
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a member of one of four linguistic divisions of the
prehistoric Greeks [syn: Achaean, Achaian]
n 1: (Greek mythology) one of the three Graces
n 1: a fundamentalist Islamic group in Somalia who initially did
fundraising for al-Qaeda; responsible for ambushing United
States Army Rangers and for terrorist bombings in Ethiopia;
believed to have branches in several countries [syn: {al
Itihaad al Islamiya}, al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, {Islamic
Unity}, AIAI]
n 1: a genus of Platalea [syn: Ajaia, genus Ajaia]
ajaia ajaja
Ajaia ajaja
n 1: tropical rose-colored New World spoonbill [syn: {roseate
spoonbill}, Ajaia ajaja]

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