slovo | definícia |
active reconfiguring message (foldoc) | Active Reconfiguring Message
(ARM) An efficient mechanism which allows
reconfiguration of the hardware logic of a system according to
the particular data received or transmitted.
In ARM each message contains extra information in a
Reconfiguring Header in addition to the data to be
transferred. Upon arrival of the message the Reconfiguring
Header is extracted, decoded and used to perform on-the-fly
hardware reconfiguration. As soon as the hardware has been
reconfigured the data information of the message can be
[In what contect is this term used?]
| podobné slovo | definícia |
active reconfiguring message (foldoc) | Active Reconfiguring Message
(ARM) An efficient mechanism which allows
reconfiguration of the hardware logic of a system according to
the particular data received or transmitted.
In ARM each message contains extra information in a
Reconfiguring Header in addition to the data to be
transferred. Upon arrival of the message the Reconfiguring
Header is extracted, decoded and used to perform on-the-fly
hardware reconfiguration. As soon as the hardware has been
reconfigured the data information of the message can be
[In what contect is this term used?]
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