Aerobies \A"["e]r*o*bies\, n. pl. [A["e]ro- + Gr. bi`os life.]
Micro["o]rganisms which live in contact with the air and need
oxygen for their growth; as the microbacteria which form on
the surface of putrefactive fluids; aerobes. [obsolescent]
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
podobné slovodefinícia
Anaerobies \An*a"["e]r*o*bies\, n. pl. [Gr. 'an priv. + ?, ?,
air + bi`os life.] (Biol.)
Micro["o]rganisms which do not require oxygen, but are killed
by it. See obligate anaerobes under anaerobes.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

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