algebraic specification language
Algebraic Specification Language

1. (ASL)

["Structured Algebraic Specifications: A Kernel Language",
M. Wirsing, Theor Comput Sci 42, pp.123-249, Elsevier 1986].

2. (ASF) A language for equational specification of
abstract data types.

["Algebraic Specification", J.A. Bergstra et al, A-W 1989].

podobné slovodefinícia
algebraic specification language
Algebraic Specification Language

1. (ASL)

["Structured Algebraic Specifications: A Kernel Language",
M. Wirsing, Theor Comput Sci 42, pp.123-249, Elsevier 1986].

2. (ASF) A language for equational specification of
abstract data types.

["Algebraic Specification", J.A. Bergstra et al, A-W 1989].


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