amphibious,obojživelný Josef Kosek
Amphibious \Am*phib"i*ous\, a. [Gr. 'amfi`bios living a double
life, i. e., both on land in water; 'amfi` + bi`os life.]
1. Having the ability to live both on land and in water, as
frogs, crocodiles, beavers, and some plants.
[1913 Webster]

2. Pertaining to, adapted for, or connected with, both land
and water.
[1913 Webster]

The amphibious character of the Greeks was already
determined: they were to be lords of land and sea.
[1913 Webster]

3. Of a mixed nature; partaking of two natures.
[1913 Webster]

Not in free and common socage, but in this
amphibious subordinate class of villein socage.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: relating to or characteristic of animals of the class
Amphibia [syn: amphibious, amphibian]
2: operating or living on land and in water; "amphibious
vehicles"; "amphibious operations"; "amphibious troops";
"frogs are amphibious animals" [ant: aquatic,
podobné slovodefinícia
amphibious,obojživelný Josef Kosek
Amphibiously \Am*phib"i*ous*ly\, adv.
Like an amphibious being.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: relating to or characteristic of animals of the class
Amphibia [syn: amphibious, amphibian]
2: operating or living on land and in water; "amphibious
vehicles"; "amphibious operations"; "amphibious troops";
"frogs are amphibious animals" [ant: aquatic,
amphibious aircraft
amphibious aircraft
n 1: an airplane designed to take off and land on water [syn:
amphibian, amphibious aircraft]
amphibious assault
amphibious assault
n 1: an amphibious operation attacking a land base that is
carried out by troops that are landed by naval ships
amphibious demonstration
amphibious demonstration
n 1: an amphibious operation conducted for the purpose of
deceiving the enemy and leading him into a course of action
unfavorable to him
amphibious landing
amphibious landing
n 1: a military action of coordinated land, sea, and air forces
organized for an invasion; "MacArthur staged a massive
amphibious landing behind enemy lines"
amphibious operation
amphibious operation
n 1: a military operation by both land and sea forces
amphibious vehicle
amphibious vehicle
n 1: a flat-bottomed motor vehicle that can travel on land or
water [syn: amphibian, amphibious vehicle]

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