anabolism,anabolismus Josef Kosek
anabolism,přizpůsobení Josef Kosek
Metabolism \Me*tab"o*lism\, n. (Physiol.)
1. The act or process, by which living tissues or cells take
up and convert into their own proper substance the
nutritive material brought to them by the blood, or by
which they transform their cell protoplasm into simpler
substances, which are fitted either for excretion or for
some special purpose, as in the manufacture of the
digestive enzymes. Hence, metabolism may be either
constructive (anabolism), or destructive (catabolism).
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.) The series of chemical changes which take place in
an organism, by means of which food is manufactured and
utilized and waste materials are eliminated.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Anabolism \A*nab"o*lism\, n. (Physiol.)
The constructive metabolism of the body, as distinguished
from catabolism.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the synthesis in living organisms of more complex
substances (e.g., living tissue) from simpler ones together
with the storage of energy [syn: anabolism, {constructive
metabolism}] [ant: catabolism, destructive metabolism,
dissimilation, katabolism]
podobné slovodefinícia
anabolism,anabolismus Josef Kosekanabolism,přizpůsobení Josef Kosek
anabolismus,anabolism Josef Kosek
Metabolism \Me*tab"o*lism\, n. (Physiol.)
1. The act or process, by which living tissues or cells take
up and convert into their own proper substance the
nutritive material brought to them by the blood, or by
which they transform their cell protoplasm into simpler
substances, which are fitted either for excretion or for
some special purpose, as in the manufacture of the
digestive enzymes. Hence, metabolism may be either
constructive (anabolism), or destructive (catabolism).
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.) The series of chemical changes which take place in
an organism, by means of which food is manufactured and
utilized and waste materials are eliminated.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]Anabolism \A*nab"o*lism\, n. (Physiol.)
The constructive metabolism of the body, as distinguished
from catabolism.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the synthesis in living organisms of more complex
substances (e.g., living tissue) from simpler ones together
with the storage of energy [syn: anabolism, {constructive
metabolism}] [ant: catabolism, destructive metabolism,
dissimilation, katabolism]

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