angelica,andělika n: Zdeněk Brož
Angelica \An*gel"i*ca\, n. [NL. See Angelic.] (Bot.)
1. An aromatic umbelliferous plant ({Archangelica
officinalis} or Angelica archangelica) the leaf stalks
of which are sometimes candied and used in confectionery,
and the roots and seeds as an aromatic tonic.
[1913 Webster]

2. The candied leaf stalks of angelica.
[1913 Webster]

Angelica tree, a thorny North American shrub ({Aralia
spinosa}), called also Hercules' club.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: any of various tall and stout herbs of the genus Angelica
having pinnately compound leaves and small white or
greenish flowers in compound umbels [syn: angelica,
2: candied stalks of the angelica plant
3: aromatic stems or leaves or roots of Angelica Archangelica
podobné slovodefinícia
- evanjelikálny
angelica,andělika n: Zdeněk Brož
angelical,andělský adj: Zdeněk Brož
evangelical,horlivý Pavel Machek; Giza
evangelicalism,druh protestantství n: Zdeněk Brož
garden angelica
garden angelica, n:
vox angelica
vox angelica, n:
wild angelica
wild angelica, n:
Angelica archangelica
Angelica \An*gel"i*ca\, n. [NL. See Angelic.] (Bot.)
1. An aromatic umbelliferous plant ({Archangelica
officinalis} or Angelica archangelica) the leaf stalks
of which are sometimes candied and used in confectionery,
and the roots and seeds as an aromatic tonic.
[1913 Webster]

2. The candied leaf stalks of angelica.
[1913 Webster]

Angelica tree, a thorny North American shrub ({Aralia
spinosa}), called also Hercules' club.
[1913 Webster]Archangel \Arch`an"gel\, n. [L. archangelus, Gr. 'archa`ggelos:
cf. OF. archangel, F. archange. See Arch-, pref., and
1. A chief angel; one high in the celestial hierarchy.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A term applied to several different species of
plants (Angelica archangelica, Lamium album, etc.).
[1913 Webster]
Angelica tree
Prickly ash \Prickly ash\ (Bot.),
1. A prickly shrub (Xanthoxylum Americanum) with yellowish
flowers appearing with the leaves; also called {toothache
tree}. All parts of the plant are pungent and aromatic.
The southern species is Xanthoxylum Carolinianum.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.), Hercules'-club, also called the Angelica tree.
[PJC]Angelica \An*gel"i*ca\, n. [NL. See Angelic.] (Bot.)
1. An aromatic umbelliferous plant ({Archangelica
officinalis} or Angelica archangelica) the leaf stalks
of which are sometimes candied and used in confectionery,
and the roots and seeds as an aromatic tonic.
[1913 Webster]

2. The candied leaf stalks of angelica.
[1913 Webster]

Angelica tree, a thorny North American shrub ({Aralia
spinosa}), called also Hercules' club.
[1913 Webster]Hercules'-club \Hercules'-club\, Hercules'-club
\Hercules'-club\, Hercules-club \Hercules-club\prop. n.
1. (Bot.) A densely spiny ornamental tree ({Zanthoxylum
clava-herculis}) of the rue family, growing in southeast
U. S. and West Indies. [WordNet sense 1]

Note: It belongs to the same genus as one of the trees
(Zanthoxylum Americanum) called prickly ash.

Syn: Hercules'-clubs, Hercules-club, {Zanthoxylum
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

2. A small, prickly, deciduous clump-forming tree or shrub
(Aralia spinosa) of eastern U.S.; also called {Angelica
tree} and prickly ash. [WordNet sense 2]

Syn: American angelica tree, devil's walking stick, {Aralia
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

3. A variety of the common gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris). Its
fruit sometimes exceeds five feet in length.
[1913 Webster]
Angelic \An*gel"ic\, Angelical \An*gel"ic*al\, a. [L. angelicus,
Gr. ?: cf. F. ang['e]lique.]
1. Belonging to, or proceeding from, angels; resembling,
characteristic of, or partaking of the nature of, an
angel; heavenly; divine. "Angelic harps."
--Thomson."Angelical actions." --Hooker.
[1913 Webster]

The union of womanly tenderness and angelic
patience. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

2. having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub; as, an
angelic smile.

Syn: angelic, cherubic, seraphic, sweet.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an
angel or saint; as, angelic benificence.

Syn: angelic, angelical, beatific, saintlike, saintly,
[WordNet 1.5]

Angelic Hymn, a very ancient hymn of the Christian Church;
-- so called from its beginning with the song of the
heavenly host recorded in Luke ii. 14. --Eadie.
[1913 Webster]
Angelically \An*gel"ic*al*ly\, adv.
Like an angel.
[1913 Webster]
Angelicalness \An*gel"ic*al*ness\, n.
The quality of being angelic; excellence more than human.
[1913 Webster]
Archangelica officinalis
Angelica \An*gel"i*ca\, n. [NL. See Angelic.] (Bot.)
1. An aromatic umbelliferous plant ({Archangelica
officinalis} or Angelica archangelica) the leaf stalks
of which are sometimes candied and used in confectionery,
and the roots and seeds as an aromatic tonic.
[1913 Webster]

2. The candied leaf stalks of angelica.
[1913 Webster]

Angelica tree, a thorny North American shrub ({Aralia
spinosa}), called also Hercules' club.
[1913 Webster]
Disangelical \Dis`an*gel"ic*al\, a.
Not angelical. [R.] "Disangelical nature." --Coventry.
[1913 Webster]
Evangelical \E`van*gel"ic*al\, a.
1. Contained in, or relating to, the four Gospels; as, the
evangelical history.
[1913 Webster]

2. Belonging to, agreeable or consonant to, or contained in,
the gospel, or the truth taught in the New Testament; as,
evangelical religion.
[1913 Webster]

3. Earnest for the truth taught in the gospel; strict in
interpreting Christian doctrine; pre["e]minently orthodox;
-- technically applied to that party in the Church of
England, and in the Protestant Episcopal Church, which
holds the doctrine of "Justification by Faith alone;" the
Low Church party. The term is also applied to other
religious bodies not regarded as orthodox.
[1913 Webster]

4. Having or characterized by a zealous, crusading enthusiasm
for a cause.

5. Adhering to a form of Christianity characterized by a
conservative interpretation of the bible, but disavowing
the label 'bdfundamentalist`'b8.

Evangelical Alliance, an alliance for mutual strengthening
and common work, comprising Christians of different
denominations and countries, organized in Liverpool,
England, in 1845.

Evangelical Church.
(a) The Protestant Church in Germany.
(b) A church founded by a fusion of Lutherans and
Calvinists in Germany in 1817.

Evangelical Union, a religious sect founded in Scotland in
1843 by the Rev. James Morison; -- called also
[1913 Webster]Evangelical \E`van*gel"ic*al\, n.
One of evangelical principles.
[1913 Webster]
Evangelical Alliance
Evangelical \E`van*gel"ic*al\, a.
1. Contained in, or relating to, the four Gospels; as, the
evangelical history.
[1913 Webster]

2. Belonging to, agreeable or consonant to, or contained in,
the gospel, or the truth taught in the New Testament; as,
evangelical religion.
[1913 Webster]

3. Earnest for the truth taught in the gospel; strict in
interpreting Christian doctrine; pre["e]minently orthodox;
-- technically applied to that party in the Church of
England, and in the Protestant Episcopal Church, which
holds the doctrine of "Justification by Faith alone;" the
Low Church party. The term is also applied to other
religious bodies not regarded as orthodox.
[1913 Webster]

4. Having or characterized by a zealous, crusading enthusiasm
for a cause.

5. Adhering to a form of Christianity characterized by a
conservative interpretation of the bible, but disavowing
the label 'bdfundamentalist`'b8.

Evangelical Alliance, an alliance for mutual strengthening
and common work, comprising Christians of different
denominations and countries, organized in Liverpool,
England, in 1845.

Evangelical Church.
(a) The Protestant Church in Germany.
(b) A church founded by a fusion of Lutherans and
Calvinists in Germany in 1817.

Evangelical Union, a religious sect founded in Scotland in
1843 by the Rev. James Morison; -- called also
[1913 Webster]
Evangelical Church
Evangelical \E`van*gel"ic*al\, a.
1. Contained in, or relating to, the four Gospels; as, the
evangelical history.
[1913 Webster]

2. Belonging to, agreeable or consonant to, or contained in,
the gospel, or the truth taught in the New Testament; as,
evangelical religion.
[1913 Webster]

3. Earnest for the truth taught in the gospel; strict in
interpreting Christian doctrine; pre["e]minently orthodox;
-- technically applied to that party in the Church of
England, and in the Protestant Episcopal Church, which
holds the doctrine of "Justification by Faith alone;" the
Low Church party. The term is also applied to other
religious bodies not regarded as orthodox.
[1913 Webster]

4. Having or characterized by a zealous, crusading enthusiasm
for a cause.

5. Adhering to a form of Christianity characterized by a
conservative interpretation of the bible, but disavowing
the label 'bdfundamentalist`'b8.

Evangelical Alliance, an alliance for mutual strengthening
and common work, comprising Christians of different
denominations and countries, organized in Liverpool,
England, in 1845.

Evangelical Church.
(a) The Protestant Church in Germany.
(b) A church founded by a fusion of Lutherans and
Calvinists in Germany in 1817.

Evangelical Union, a religious sect founded in Scotland in
1843 by the Rev. James Morison; -- called also
[1913 Webster]
Evangelical Union
Evangelical \E`van*gel"ic*al\, a.
1. Contained in, or relating to, the four Gospels; as, the
evangelical history.
[1913 Webster]

2. Belonging to, agreeable or consonant to, or contained in,
the gospel, or the truth taught in the New Testament; as,
evangelical religion.
[1913 Webster]

3. Earnest for the truth taught in the gospel; strict in
interpreting Christian doctrine; pre["e]minently orthodox;
-- technically applied to that party in the Church of
England, and in the Protestant Episcopal Church, which
holds the doctrine of "Justification by Faith alone;" the
Low Church party. The term is also applied to other
religious bodies not regarded as orthodox.
[1913 Webster]

4. Having or characterized by a zealous, crusading enthusiasm
for a cause.

5. Adhering to a form of Christianity characterized by a
conservative interpretation of the bible, but disavowing
the label 'bdfundamentalist`'b8.

Evangelical Alliance, an alliance for mutual strengthening
and common work, comprising Christians of different
denominations and countries, organized in Liverpool,
England, in 1845.

Evangelical Church.
(a) The Protestant Church in Germany.
(b) A church founded by a fusion of Lutherans and
Calvinists in Germany in 1817.

Evangelical Union, a religious sect founded in Scotland in
1843 by the Rev. James Morison; -- called also
[1913 Webster]
Evangelicalism \E`van*gel"ic*al*ism\, n.
Adherence to evangelical doctrines; evangelism. --G. Eliot.
[1913 Webster]
Evangelically \E`van*gel"ic*al*ly\, adv.
In an evangelical manner.
[1913 Webster]
Evangelicalness \E`van*gel"ic*al*ness\, n.
State of being evangelical.
[1913 Webster]
Unevangelical \Unevangelical\
See evangelical.
Vox angelica
Vox angelica \Vox` an*gel"i*ca\ [L. angelica angelic.] (Music)
An organ stop of delicate stringlike quality, having for each
finger key a pair of pipes, of which one is tuned slightly
sharp to give a wavy effect to their joint tone.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
american angelica tree
American angelica tree
n 1: small deciduous clump-forming tree or shrub of eastern
United States [syn: American angelica tree, {devil's
walking stick}, Hercules'-club, Aralia spinosa]
n 1: any of various tall and stout herbs of the genus Angelica
having pinnately compound leaves and small white or
greenish flowers in compound umbels [syn: angelica,
2: candied stalks of the angelica plant
3: aromatic stems or leaves or roots of Angelica Archangelica
angelica archangelica
Angelica Archangelica
n 1: a biennial cultivated herb; its stems are candied and eaten
and its roots are used medicinally [syn: garden angelica,
archangel, Angelica Archangelica]
angelica sylvestris
Angelica sylvestris
n 1: European herb with compound leaves and white flowers;
adventive on Cape Breton Island [syn: wild angelica,
Angelica sylvestris]
adj 1: of or relating to angels; "angelic messenger" [syn:
angelic, angelical]
2: having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub; "an
angelic smile"; "a cherubic face"; "looking so seraphic when
he slept"; "a sweet disposition" [syn: angelic,
angelical, cherubic, seraphic, sweet]
3: marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an angel
or saint; "angelic beneficence"; "a beatific smile"; "a
saintly concern for his fellow men"; "my sainted mother"
[syn: angelic, angelical, beatific, saintlike,
saintly, sainted]
adv 1: like an angel; "the child was sleeping angelically"
adj 1: of or relating to or resembling archangels [syn:
archangelic, archangelical]
chinese angelica
Chinese angelica
n 1: similar to American angelica tree but less prickly; China
[syn: Chinese angelica, Chinese angelica tree, {Aralia
chinese angelica tree
Chinese angelica tree
n 1: similar to American angelica tree but less prickly; China
[syn: Chinese angelica, Chinese angelica tree, {Aralia
adj 1: relating to or being a Christian church believing in
personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible
especially the 4 Gospels; "evangelical Christianity"; "an
ultraconservative evangelical message"
2: of or pertaining to or in keeping with the Christian gospel
especially as in the first 4 books of the New Testament
3: marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause [syn:
evangelical, evangelistic]
evangelical and reformed church
Evangelical and Reformed Church
n 1: a Protestant denomination of Calvinist faith
evangelical united brethren church
Evangelical United Brethren Church
n 1: a Methodist denomination
n 1: stresses the importance of personal conversion and faith as
the means of salvation
garden angelica
garden angelica
n 1: a biennial cultivated herb; its stems are candied and eaten
and its roots are used medicinally [syn: garden angelica,
archangel, Angelica Archangelica]
genus angelica
genus Angelica
n 1: biennial or perennial herbs of the northern hemisphere;
have a taproot
japanese angelica tree
Japanese angelica tree
n 1: deciduous clump-forming Asian shrub or small tree;
adventive in the eastern United States [syn: {Japanese
angelica tree}, Aralia elata]
vox angelica
vox angelica
n 1: an organ stop producing a gentle tremolo effect [syn: {vox
angelica}, voix celeste]
wild angelica
wild angelica
n 1: European herb with compound leaves and white flowers;
adventive on Cape Breton Island [syn: wild angelica,
Angelica sylvestris]

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