Arctonetta Fischeri
Eider \Ei"der\, n. [Of Scand. origin, cf. Icel [ae]?r; akin to
Sw. eider, Dan. ederfugl.] (Zo["o]l.)
Any species of sea duck of the genus Somateria, esp.
Somateria mollissima, which breeds in the northern parts of
Europe and America, and lines its nest with fine down (taken
from its own body) which is an article of commerce; -- called
also eider duck. The American eider (S. Dresseri), the
king eider (S. spectabilis), and the spectacled eider
(Arctonetta Fischeri) are related species.
[1913 Webster]

Eider down. [Cf. Icel. [ae][eth]ard[=u]n, Sw. eiderd[=u]n,
Dan. ederduun.] Down of the eider duck, much sought after
as an article of luxury.
[1913 Webster]
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