Areola \A*re"o*la\, n.; pl. Areol[ae]. [L. areola, dim. of
area: cf. F. ar['e]ole. See Area.]
1. An interstice or small space, as between the cracks of the
surface in certain crustaceous lichens; or as between the
fibers composing organs or vessels that interlace; or as
between the nervures of an insect's wing.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Anat. & Med.) The colored ring around the nipple, or
around a vesicle or pustule.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Areola \A*re"o*la\, n.; pl. Areol[ae]. [L. areola, dim. of
area: cf. F. ar['e]ole. See Area.]
1. An interstice or small space, as between the cracks of the
surface in certain crustaceous lichens; or as between the
fibers composing organs or vessels that interlace; or as
between the nervures of an insect's wing.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Anat. & Med.) The colored ring around the nipple, or
around a vesicle or pustule.
[1913 Webster]

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