Areopagus \Ar`e*op"a*gus\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, and ? ?, hill of
Ares (Mars' Hill).]
The highest judicial court at Athens. Its sessions were held
on Mars' Hill. Hence, any high court or tribunal.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a hill to the to the west of the Athenian acropolis where
met the highest governmental council of ancient Athens and
later a judicial court
2: the highest governmental assembly in ancient Athens (later a
judicial court)
AREOPAGUS. A tribunal established in ancient Athens, bore this name. It is
variously represented; some considered as having been a model of justice and
perfection, while others look upon it as an aristocratic court, which had a
very extended jurisdiction over all crimes and offences, and which exercised
an absolute power. See Acts 17, 19 and 22.

podobné slovodefinícia
n 1: a hill to the to the west of the Athenian acropolis where
met the highest governmental council of ancient Athens and
later a judicial court
2: the highest governmental assembly in ancient Athens (later a
judicial court)
AREOPAGUS. A tribunal established in ancient Athens, bore this name. It is
variously represented; some considered as having been a model of justice and
perfection, while others look upon it as an aristocratic court, which had a
very extended jurisdiction over all crimes and offences, and which exercised
an absolute power. See Acts 17, 19 and 22.

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