- schváliť, súhlas, súhlasiť
Assent \As*sent"\, n. [OE. assent, fr. assentir. See Assent,
The act of assenting; the act of the mind in admitting or
agreeing to anything; concurrence with approval; consent;
agreement; acquiescence.
[1913 Webster]

Faith is the assent to any proposition, on the credit
of the proposer. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

The assent, if not the approbation, of the prince.
[1913 Webster]

Too many people read this ribaldry with assent and
admiration. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

Royal assent, in England, the assent of the sovereign to a
bill which has passed both houses of Parliament, after
which it becomes law.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Concurrence; acquiescence; approval; accord.

Usage: Assent, Consent. Assent is an act of the
understanding, consent of the will or feelings. We
assent to the views of others when our minds come to
the same conclusion with theirs as to what is true,
right, or admissible. We consent when there is such a
concurrence of our will with their desires and wishes
that we decide to comply with their requests. The king
of England gives his assent, not his consent, to acts
of Parliament, because, in theory at least, he is not
governed by personal feelings or choice, but by a
deliberate, judgment as to the common good. We also
use assent in cases where a proposal is made which
involves but little interest or feeling. A lady may
assent to a gentleman's opening the window; but if he
offers himself in marriage, he must wait for her
[1913 Webster]
Assent \As*sent"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Assented; p. pr. & vb.
n. Assenting.] [F. assentir, L. assentire, assentiri; ad +
sentire to feel, think. See Sense.]
To admit a thing as true; to express one's agreement,
acquiescence, concurrence, or concession.
[1913 Webster]

Who informed the governor . . . And the Jews also
assented, saying that these things were so. --Acts
xxiv. 9.
[1913 Webster]

The princess assented to all that was suggested.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To yield; agree; acquiesce; concede; concur.
[1913 Webster]
ASSENT, contracts. An agreement to something that has been done before.
2. It is either express, where it is openly declared; or implied, where
it is presumed by law. For instance, when a conveyance is made to a man, his
assent to it is presumed, for the following reasons; cause there is a strong
intendment of law, that it is for a person's benefit to take, and no man can
be supposed to be unwilling to do that which is for his advantage. 2.
Because it would seem incongruous and absurd, that when a conveyance is
completely executed on the part of the grantor, the estate should continue
in him. 3. Because it is contrary to the policy of law to permit the
freehold to remain in suspense and uncertainty. 2 Ventr. 201; 3 Mod. 296A 3
Lev. 284; Show. P. C. 150; 3 Barn. & Alders. 31; 1 Binn. R. 502; 2 Hayw.
234; 12 Mass IR. 461 4 Day, 395; 5 S. & R. 523 20 John. R. 184; 14 S. & R.
296 15 Wend. R. 656; 4 Halst. R. 161; 6 Verm. R. 411.
3. When a devise draws after it no charge or risk of loss, and is,
therefore, a mere bounty, the assent of the devisee to, take it will be
presumed. 17 Mass. 73, 4. A dissent properly expressed would prevent the
title from passing from the grantor unto the grantee. 1 2 Mass. R. 46 1. See
3 Munf. R. 345; 4 Munf. R. 332, pl. 9 5 Serg. & Rawle, 523; 8 Watts, R. 9,
11 20 Johns. R. 184. The rule requiring an express dissent, does not apply,
however, when the grantee is bound to pay a consideration for the thing
granted. 1 Wash. C. C. Rep. 70.
4. When an offer to do a thing has been made, it is not binding on the
party making it, until the assent of the other party has been given and such
assent must be to the same subject-matter, in the same sense. 1 Summ. 218.
When such assent is given, before the offer is withdrawn, the contract is
complete. 6 Wend. 103. See 5 Wend. 523; 5 Greenl. R. 419; 3 Mass. 1; 8 S. R.
243; 12 John. 190; 19 John. 205; 4 Call, R. 379 1 Fairf. 185; and Offer.
5. In general, when an assignment is made to one for the benefit of
creditors the assent of the assignees will be presumed. 1 Binn. 502, 518; 6
W. & S. 339; 8 Leigh, R. 272, 281. But see 24 Wend. 280.

podobné slovodefinícia
- schváliť, súhlas, súhlasiť
Assent \As*sent"\, n. [OE. assent, fr. assentir. See Assent,
The act of assenting; the act of the mind in admitting or
agreeing to anything; concurrence with approval; consent;
agreement; acquiescence.
[1913 Webster]

Faith is the assent to any proposition, on the credit
of the proposer. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

The assent, if not the approbation, of the prince.
[1913 Webster]

Too many people read this ribaldry with assent and
admiration. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

Royal assent, in England, the assent of the sovereign to a
bill which has passed both houses of Parliament, after
which it becomes law.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Concurrence; acquiescence; approval; accord.

Usage: Assent, Consent. Assent is an act of the
understanding, consent of the will or feelings. We
assent to the views of others when our minds come to
the same conclusion with theirs as to what is true,
right, or admissible. We consent when there is such a
concurrence of our will with their desires and wishes
that we decide to comply with their requests. The king
of England gives his assent, not his consent, to acts
of Parliament, because, in theory at least, he is not
governed by personal feelings or choice, but by a
deliberate, judgment as to the common good. We also
use assent in cases where a proposal is made which
involves but little interest or feeling. A lady may
assent to a gentleman's opening the window; but if he
offers himself in marriage, he must wait for her
[1913 Webster]Assent \As*sent"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Assented; p. pr. & vb.
n. Assenting.] [F. assentir, L. assentire, assentiri; ad +
sentire to feel, think. See Sense.]
To admit a thing as true; to express one's agreement,
acquiescence, concurrence, or concession.
[1913 Webster]

Who informed the governor . . . And the Jews also
assented, saying that these things were so. --Acts
xxiv. 9.
[1913 Webster]

The princess assented to all that was suggested.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To yield; agree; acquiesce; concede; concur.
[1913 Webster]
Assentation \As`sen*ta"tion\, n. [L. assentatio. See Assent,
Insincere, flattering, or obsequious assent; hypocritical or
pretended concurrence.
[1913 Webster]

Abject flattery and indiscriminate assentation degrade
as much as indiscriminate contradiction and noisy
debate disgust. --Ld.
[1913 Webster]
Assentator \As`sen*ta"tor\, n. [L., fr. assentari to assent
An obsequious; a flatterer. [R.]
[1913 Webster]
Assentatory \As*sent"a*to*ry\, a.
Flattering; obsequious. [Obs.] -- As*sent"a*to*ri*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
Assentatory \As*sent"a*to*ry\, a.
Flattering; obsequious. [Obs.] -- As*sent"a*to*ri*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
Assent \As*sent"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Assented; p. pr. & vb.
n. Assenting.] [F. assentir, L. assentire, assentiri; ad +
sentire to feel, think. See Sense.]
To admit a thing as true; to express one's agreement,
acquiescence, concurrence, or concession.
[1913 Webster]

Who informed the governor . . . And the Jews also
assented, saying that these things were so. --Acts
xxiv. 9.
[1913 Webster]

The princess assented to all that was suggested.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To yield; agree; acquiesce; concede; concur.
[1913 Webster]
Assenter \As*sent"er\, n.
One who assents.
[1913 Webster]
Assentient \As*sen"tient\, a.
[1913 Webster]
Assent \As*sent"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Assented; p. pr. & vb.
n. Assenting.] [F. assentir, L. assentire, assentiri; ad +
sentire to feel, think. See Sense.]
To admit a thing as true; to express one's agreement,
acquiescence, concurrence, or concession.
[1913 Webster]

Who informed the governor . . . And the Jews also
assented, saying that these things were so. --Acts
xxiv. 9.
[1913 Webster]

The princess assented to all that was suggested.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To yield; agree; acquiesce; concede; concur.
[1913 Webster]Assenting \As*sent"ing\, a.
Giving or implying assent. -- As*sent"ing*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
Assenting \As*sent"ing\, a.
Giving or implying assent. -- As*sent"ing*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
Assentive \As*sent"ive\, a.
Giving assent; of the nature of assent; complying. --
As*sent"ive*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Assentive \As*sent"ive\, a.
Giving assent; of the nature of assent; complying. --
As*sent"ive*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Assentment \As*sent"ment\, n.
Assent; agreement. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Disassent \Dis`as*sent"\, v. i.
To dissent. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]Disassent \Dis`as*sent"\, n.
Dissent. [Obs.] --E. Hall.
[1913 Webster]
Disassenter \Dis`as*sent"er\, n.
One who disassents; a dissenter. [Obs.] --State Trials
[1913 Webster]
Royal assent
Assent \As*sent"\, n. [OE. assent, fr. assentir. See Assent,
The act of assenting; the act of the mind in admitting or
agreeing to anything; concurrence with approval; consent;
agreement; acquiescence.
[1913 Webster]

Faith is the assent to any proposition, on the credit
of the proposer. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

The assent, if not the approbation, of the prince.
[1913 Webster]

Too many people read this ribaldry with assent and
admiration. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

Royal assent, in England, the assent of the sovereign to a
bill which has passed both houses of Parliament, after
which it becomes law.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Concurrence; acquiescence; approval; accord.

Usage: Assent, Consent. Assent is an act of the
understanding, consent of the will or feelings. We
assent to the views of others when our minds come to
the same conclusion with theirs as to what is true,
right, or admissible. We consent when there is such a
concurrence of our will with their desires and wishes
that we decide to comply with their requests. The king
of England gives his assent, not his consent, to acts
of Parliament, because, in theory at least, he is not
governed by personal feelings or choice, but by a
deliberate, judgment as to the common good. We also
use assent in cases where a proposal is made which
involves but little interest or feeling. A lady may
assent to a gentleman's opening the window; but if he
offers himself in marriage, he must wait for her
[1913 Webster]
Unassented \Un`as*sent"ed\, a.
Not assented; -- said specif. of stocks or bonds the holders
of which refuse to deposit them by way of assent to an
agreement altering their status, as in a readjustment.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
ASSENT, contracts. An agreement to something that has been done before.
2. It is either express, where it is openly declared; or implied, where
it is presumed by law. For instance, when a conveyance is made to a man, his
assent to it is presumed, for the following reasons; cause there is a strong
intendment of law, that it is for a person's benefit to take, and no man can
be supposed to be unwilling to do that which is for his advantage. 2.
Because it would seem incongruous and absurd, that when a conveyance is
completely executed on the part of the grantor, the estate should continue
in him. 3. Because it is contrary to the policy of law to permit the
freehold to remain in suspense and uncertainty. 2 Ventr. 201; 3 Mod. 296A 3
Lev. 284; Show. P. C. 150; 3 Barn. & Alders. 31; 1 Binn. R. 502; 2 Hayw.
234; 12 Mass IR. 461 4 Day, 395; 5 S. & R. 523 20 John. R. 184; 14 S. & R.
296 15 Wend. R. 656; 4 Halst. R. 161; 6 Verm. R. 411.
3. When a devise draws after it no charge or risk of loss, and is,
therefore, a mere bounty, the assent of the devisee to, take it will be
presumed. 17 Mass. 73, 4. A dissent properly expressed would prevent the
title from passing from the grantor unto the grantee. 1 2 Mass. R. 46 1. See
3 Munf. R. 345; 4 Munf. R. 332, pl. 9 5 Serg. & Rawle, 523; 8 Watts, R. 9,
11 20 Johns. R. 184. The rule requiring an express dissent, does not apply,
however, when the grantee is bound to pay a consideration for the thing
granted. 1 Wash. C. C. Rep. 70.
4. When an offer to do a thing has been made, it is not binding on the
party making it, until the assent of the other party has been given and such
assent must be to the same subject-matter, in the same sense. 1 Summ. 218.
When such assent is given, before the offer is withdrawn, the contract is
complete. 6 Wend. 103. See 5 Wend. 523; 5 Greenl. R. 419; 3 Mass. 1; 8 S. R.
243; 12 John. 190; 19 John. 205; 4 Call, R. 379 1 Fairf. 185; and Offer.
5. In general, when an assignment is made to one for the benefit of
creditors the assent of the assignees will be presumed. 1 Binn. 502, 518; 6
W. & S. 339; 8 Leigh, R. 272, 281. But see 24 Wend. 280.

INSIMUL COMPUTASSENT, practice, actions. They accounted together.
2. When an account has been stated, and a balance ascertained between
the parties, they are said to have computed together, and the amount due may
be recovered in an action of assumpsit, which could not have been done, if
the defendant had been the mere bailiff or partner of the plaintiff, and
there had been no settlement made; for in that case, the remedy would be an
action of account render, or a bill in chancery. It is usual in actions of
assumpsit, to add a count commonly called insimul computassent, or an
account stated. (q. v.) Lawes on Pl. in Ass. 488.

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