slovo | definícia |
Ascending series (gcide) | Ascending \As*cend"ing\, a.
Rising; moving upward; as, an ascending kite. --
As*cend"ing*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
Ascending latitude (Astron.), the increasing latitude of a
planet. --Ferguson.
Ascending line (Geneol.), the line of relationship traced
backward or through one's ancestors. One's father and
mother, grandfather and grandmother, etc., are in the line
direct ascending.
Ascending node having, that node of the moon or a planet
wherein it passes the ecliptic to proceed northward. It is
also called the northern node. --Herschel.
Ascending series. (Math.)
(a) A series arranged according to the ascending powers of a
(b) A series in which each term is greater than the
Ascending signs, signs east of the meridian.
[1913 Webster] |
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