Attic story
Attic \At"tic\, a. [L. Atticus, Gr. ?.]
Of or pertaining to Attica, in Greece, or to Athens, its
principal city; marked by such qualities as were
characteristic of the Athenians; classical; refined.
[1913 Webster]

Attic base (Arch.), a peculiar form of molded base for a
column or pilaster, described by Vitruvius, applied under
the Roman Empire to the Ionic and Corinthian and "Roman
Doric" orders, and imitated by the architects of the

Attic faith, inviolable faith.

Attic purity, special purity of language.

Attic salt, Attic wit, a poignant, delicate wit, peculiar
to the Athenians.

Attic story. See Attic, n.

Attic style, a style pure and elegant.
[1913 Webster]
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