Burgage \Burg"age\, n. [From Burg: cf. F. bourgage, LL.
burgagium.] (Eng. Law)
A tenure by which houses or lands are held of the king or
other lord of a borough or city; at a certain yearly rent, or
by services relating to trade or handicraft. --Burrill.
[1913 Webster]
BURGAGE, English law. A species of tenure in socage; it is where the king or
other person is lord of an ancient borough, in which the tenements are held
by a rent certain. 2 B1. Com. 82.

podobné slovodefinícia
Burgage \Burg"age\, n. [From Burg: cf. F. bourgage, LL.
burgagium.] (Eng. Law)
A tenure by which houses or lands are held of the king or
other lord of a borough or city; at a certain yearly rent, or
by services relating to trade or handicraft. --Burrill.
[1913 Webster]

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