bartle frere
Bartle Frere
n 1: a living fossil or so-called `green dinosaur'; genus or
subfamily of primitive nut-bearing trees thought to have
died out 50 million years ago; a single specimen found in
1994 on Mount Bartle Frere in eastern Australia; not yet
officially named [syn: Bartle Frere, {genus Bartle-
Frere}, green dinosaur]
podobné slovodefinícia
bartle frere
Bartle Frere
n 1: a living fossil or so-called `green dinosaur'; genus or
subfamily of primitive nut-bearing trees thought to have
died out 50 million years ago; a single specimen found in
1994 on Mount Bartle Frere in eastern Australia; not yet
officially named [syn: Bartle Frere, {genus Bartle-
Frere}, green dinosaur]
mount bartle frere
Mount Bartle Frere
n 1: the highest mountain peak in Queensland, Australia

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