bombshell,bomba n: Zdeněk Brož
bombshell,šokující zpráva n: Petr Prášek
Bombshell \Bomb"shell`\, n.
1. A bomb. See Bomb, n.
[1913 Webster]

2. something or someone that stuns or amazes, especially
suddenly and unexpectedly; as, the news of the president's
affair was a political bombshell; a blonde bombshell.
n 1: an entertainer who has a sensational effect; "she was a
blonde bombshell"
2: a shocking surprise; "news of the attack came like a
bombshell" [syn: bombshell, thunderbolt, thunderclap]
3: an explosive bomb or artillery shell
podobné slovodefinícia
bombshell,bomba n: Zdeněk Brožbombshell,šokující zpráva n: Petr Prášek
explode a bombshell
explode a bombshell, v:
n 1: an entertainer who has a sensational effect; "she was a
blonde bombshell"
2: a shocking surprise; "news of the attack came like a
bombshell" [syn: bombshell, thunderbolt, thunderclap]
3: an explosive bomb or artillery shell
explode a bombshell
explode a bombshell
v 1: utter or do something surprising; "Father exploded a
bombshell when he forbade us to go to the prom"

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