- hovädzie
bovine,hovězí Zdeněk Brož
Bovine \Bo"vine\, a. [LL. bovinus, fr. L. bos, bovis, ox, cow:
cf. F. bovine. See Cow.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Zool.) Of or pertaining to the genus Bos; relating to,
or resembling, the ox or cow; oxlike; as, the bovine
genus; a bovine antelope.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having qualities characteristic of oxen or cows; sluggish
and patient; dull; as, a bovine temperament.
[1913 Webster]

The bovine gaze of gaping rustics. --W. Black.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle)
[syn: bovine, bovid]
2: dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox; "showed a bovine
n 1: any of various members of the genus Bos
podobné slovodefinícia
- hovädzie
bovine,hovězí Zdeněk Brož
bovine serum albumin
Protein \Pro"te*in\, n. [Gr. prw^tos first: cf. prwtei^on the
first place.] (Physiol. Chem.)
any polymer of an amino acid joined by peptide (amide) bonds.
Most natural proteins have alpha-amino acids as the monomeric
constituents. All classical enzymes are composed of protein,
and control most of the biochemical transformations carrie
dout in living cells. They may be soluble, as casein,
albumins, and other globular proteins, or insoluble (e. g.
"structural proteins"), as collagen or keratin. "albumin", an
older term for protein, is now used primarily to refer to
certain specific soluble globular proteins found in eggs or
blood serum, e.g. bovine serum albumin, the main soluble
protein in teh serum of cattle, used as an enzymatically
inert protein in biochemical research.

Note: In the 1913 dictionary, protein was defined as: "A body
now known as alkali albumin, but originally considered
to be the basis of all albuminous substances, whence
its name."
[1913 Webster + PJC]

Protein crystal. (Bot.) See Crystalloid, n., 2.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle)
[syn: bovine, bovid]
2: dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox; "showed a bovine
n 1: any of various members of the genus Bos
bovine spongiform encephalitis
bovine spongiform encephalitis
n 1: a fatal disease of cattle that affects the central nervous
system; causes staggering and agitation [syn: {bovine
spongiform encephalitis}, BSE, mad cow disease]

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