slovo | definícia |
Brachinus crepitans (gcide) | Bombardier \Bom`bar*dier"\, n. [F. bombardier.] (Mil.)
(a) One who used or managed a bombard; an artilleryman; a
gunner. [Archaic]
(b) A noncommissioned officer in the British artillery.
[1913 Webster]
Bombardier beetle (Zool.), a kind of beetle ({Brachinus
crepitans}), so called because, when disturbed, it makes
an explosive discharge of a pungent and acrid vapor from
its anal glands. The name is applied to other related
species, as the Brachinus displosor, which can produce
ten or twelve explosions successively. The common American
species is Brachinus fumans.
[1913 Webster] |
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