- zátvorka, držiak
bracket,držák n: Zdeněk Brož
bracket,skupina Mgr. Dita Gálová
bracket,třída Mgr. Dita Gálová
bracket,závorka n: [mat.]
Bracket \Brack"et\, n. [Cf. OF. braguette codpiece, F. brayette,
Sp. bragueta, also a projecting mold in architecture; dim.
fr. L. bracae breeches; cf. also, OF. bracon beam, prop,
support; of unknown origin. Cf. Breeches.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Arch.) An architectural member, plain or ornamental,
projecting from a wall or pier, to support weight falling
outside of the same; also, a decorative feature seeming to
discharge such an office.
[1913 Webster]

Note: This is the more general word. See Brace,
Cantalever, Console, Corbel, Strut.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Engin. & Mech.) A piece or combination of pieces, usually
triangular in general shape, projecting from, or fastened
to, a wall, or other surface, to support heavy bodies or
to strengthen angles.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Naut.) A shot, crooked timber, resembling a knee, used as
a support.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Mil.) The cheek or side of an ordnance carriage.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Print.) One of two characters [], used to inclose a
reference, explanation, or note, or a part to be excluded
from a sentence, to indicate an interpolation, to rectify
a mistake, or to supply an omission, and for certain other
purposes; -- called also crotchet.
[1913 Webster]

6. A gas fixture or lamp holder projecting from the face of a
wall, column, or the like.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Gunnery) A figure determined by firing a projectile
beyond a target and another short of it, as a basis for
ascertaining the proper elevation of the piece; -- only
used in the phrase, to establish a bracket. After the
bracket is established shots are fired with intermediate
elevations until the exact range is obtained. In the
United States navy it is called fork.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Bracket light, a gas fixture or a lamp attached to a wall,
column, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Bracket \Brack"et\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bracketed; p. pr. &
vb. n. Bracketing]
1. To place within brackets; to connect by brackets; to
furnish with brackets.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Gunnery) To shoot so as to establish a bracket for (an
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
n 1: a category falling within certain defined limits
2: either of two punctuation marks (`

(Or square bracket) A left bracket or {right

Often used loosely for parentheses, square brackets,
braces, angle brackets, or any other kind of unequal
paired delimiters.

podobné slovodefinícia
- zátvorka, držiak
age bracket
age bracket,vrstevníci n: "skupina lidí mající přibližně stejný věk"
angle bracket
angle bracket,úhlová závorka n: [mat.]
bracket,držák n: Zdeněk Brožbracket,skupina Mgr. Dita Gálovábracket,třída Mgr. Dita Gálovábracket,závorka n: [mat.]
bracket creep
bracket creep,zdaňování v progresivně vyšší sazbě [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
bracketed,uzávorkovaný adj: Zdeněk Brož
bracketing,uzávorkování n: Zdeněk Brož
brackets,závorky n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
curly bracket
curly bracket,složená závorka n: [mat.] {}
gas bracket
gas bracket,rameno plynového hořáku n: PetrV
high income bracket
high income bracket,skupina s vyššími příjmy Mgr. Dita Gálová
in the top tax bracket
in the top tax bracket,nejvyšší daňová skupina [ekon.] RNDr. Pavel
income bracket
income bracket, n:
income tax bracket
income tax bracket, n:
price bracket
price bracket, n:
round bracket
round bracket,kulatá závorka n: [mat.]
shelf bracket
shelf bracket, n:
square bracket
square bracket,hranatá závorka n: [mat.]
tax bracket
tax bracket, n:
Bracket light
Bracket \Brack"et\, n. [Cf. OF. braguette codpiece, F. brayette,
Sp. bragueta, also a projecting mold in architecture; dim.
fr. L. bracae breeches; cf. also, OF. bracon beam, prop,
support; of unknown origin. Cf. Breeches.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Arch.) An architectural member, plain or ornamental,
projecting from a wall or pier, to support weight falling
outside of the same; also, a decorative feature seeming to
discharge such an office.
[1913 Webster]

Note: This is the more general word. See Brace,
Cantalever, Console, Corbel, Strut.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Engin. & Mech.) A piece or combination of pieces, usually
triangular in general shape, projecting from, or fastened
to, a wall, or other surface, to support heavy bodies or
to strengthen angles.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Naut.) A shot, crooked timber, resembling a knee, used as
a support.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Mil.) The cheek or side of an ordnance carriage.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Print.) One of two characters [], used to inclose a
reference, explanation, or note, or a part to be excluded
from a sentence, to indicate an interpolation, to rectify
a mistake, or to supply an omission, and for certain other
purposes; -- called also crotchet.
[1913 Webster]

6. A gas fixture or lamp holder projecting from the face of a
wall, column, or the like.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Gunnery) A figure determined by firing a projectile
beyond a target and another short of it, as a basis for
ascertaining the proper elevation of the piece; -- only
used in the phrase, to establish a bracket. After the
bracket is established shots are fired with intermediate
elevations until the exact range is obtained. In the
United States navy it is called fork.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Bracket light, a gas fixture or a lamp attached to a wall,
column, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Bracket \Brack"et\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bracketed; p. pr. &
vb. n. Bracketing]
1. To place within brackets; to connect by brackets; to
furnish with brackets.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Gunnery) To shoot so as to establish a bracket for (an
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Bracketing \Brack"et*ing\, n. (Arch.)
A series or group of brackets; brackets, collectively.
[1913 Webster]Bracket \Brack"et\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bracketed; p. pr. &
vb. n. Bracketing]
1. To place within brackets; to connect by brackets; to
furnish with brackets.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Gunnery) To shoot so as to establish a bracket for (an
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Hair bracket
Hair \Hair\ (h[^a]r), n. [OE. her, heer, h[ae]r, AS. h[=ae]r;
akin to OFries. h[=e]r, D. & G. haar, OHG. & Icel. h[=a]r,
Dan. haar, Sw. h[*a]r; cf. Lith. kasa.]
1. The collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin
of an animal, and forming a covering for a part of the
head or for any part or the whole of the body.
[1913 Webster]

2. One the above-mentioned filaments, consisting, in
vertebrate animals, of a long, tubular part which is free
and flexible, and a bulbous root imbedded in the skin.
[1913 Webster]

Then read he me how Sampson lost his hairs.
[1913 Webster]

And draweth new delights with hoary hairs.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hair (human or animal) used for various purposes; as, hair
for stuffing cushions.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) A slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of
insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other invertebrates.
Such hairs are totally unlike those of vertebrates in
structure, composition, and mode of growth.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Bot.) An outgrowth of the epidermis, consisting of one or
of several cells, whether pointed, hooked, knobbed, or
stellated. Internal hairs occur in the flower stalk of the
yellow frog lily (Nuphar).
[1913 Webster]

6. A spring device used in a hair-trigger firearm.
[1913 Webster]

7. A haircloth. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

8. Any very small distance, or degree; a hairbreadth.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Hairs is often used adjectively or in combination; as,
hairbrush or hair brush, hair dye, hair oil, hairpin,
hair powder, a brush, a dye, etc., for the hair.
[1913 Webster]

Against the hair, in a rough and disagreeable manner;
against the grain. [Obs.] "You go against the hair of your
professions." --Shak.

Hair bracket (Ship Carp.), a molding which comes in at the
back of, or runs aft from, the figurehead.

Hair cells (Anat.), cells with hairlike processes in the
sensory epithelium of certain parts of the internal ear.

Hair compass, Hair divider, a compass or divider capable
of delicate adjustment by means of a screw.

Hair glove, a glove of horsehair for rubbing the skin.

Hair lace, a netted fillet for tying up the hair of the
head. --Swift.

Hair line, a line made of hair; a very slender line.

Hair moth (Zool.), any moth which destroys goods made of
hair, esp. Tinea biselliella.

Hair pencil, a brush or pencil made of fine hair, for
painting; -- generally called by the name of the hair
used; as, a camel's hair pencil, a sable's hair pencil,

Hair plate, an iron plate forming the back of the hearth of
a bloomery fire.

Hair powder, a white perfumed powder, as of flour or
starch, formerly much used for sprinkling on the hair of
the head, or on wigs.

Hair seal (Zool.), any one of several species of eared
seals which do not produce fur; a sea lion.

Hair seating, haircloth for seats of chairs, etc.

Hair shirt, a shirt, or a band for the loins, made of
horsehair, and worn as a penance.

Hair sieve, a strainer with a haircloth bottom.

Hair snake. See Gordius.

Hair space (Printing), the thinnest metal space used in
lines of type.

Hair stroke, a delicate stroke in writing.

Hair trigger, a trigger so constructed as to discharge a
firearm by a very slight pressure, as by the touch of a
hair. --Farrow.

Not worth a hair, of no value.

To a hair, with the nicest distinction.

To split hairs, to make distinctions of useless nicety.
[1913 Webster] hairball
age bracket
age bracket
n 1: a group of people having approximately the same age [syn:
age group, age bracket, cohort]
angle bracket
angle bracket
n 1: either of two punctuation marks (`
n 1: a category falling within certain defined limits
2: either of two punctuation marks (`
bracket creep
bracket creep
n 1: a movement into a higher tax bracket as taxable income
bracket fungus
bracket fungus
n 1: a woody fungus that forms shelflike sporophores on tree
trunks and wood structures [syn: bracket fungus, {shelf
bracket out
bracket out
v 1: place into brackets; "Please bracket this remark" [syn:
bracket, bracket out]
bracketed blenny
bracketed blenny
n 1: small eellike fishes common in shallow waters of the
northern Atlantic [syn: gunnel, bracketed blenny]
gas bracket
gas bracket
n 1: a pipe with one or more burners projecting from a wall
income bracket
income bracket
n 1: a category of taxpayers based on the amount of their income
[syn: income bracket, tax bracket, {income tax
income tax bracket
income tax bracket
n 1: a category of taxpayers based on the amount of their income
[syn: income bracket, tax bracket, {income tax
price bracket
price bracket
n 1: a category of merchandise based on their price
shelf bracket
shelf bracket
n 1: a bracket to support a shelf
square bracket
square bracket
n 1: either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose
textual material [syn: bracket, square bracket]
tax bracket
tax bracket
n 1: a category of taxpayers based on the amount of their income
[syn: income bracket, tax bracket, {income tax
wall bracket
wall bracket
n 1: a support projecting from a wall (as to hold a shelf) [syn:
bracket, wall bracket]
angle bracket
angle bracket

Either of the characters "" (greater-than, ASCII 62). Typographers in the
Real World use angle brackets which are either taller and
slimmer (the ISO "Bra" and "Ket" characters), or
significantly smaller (single or double guillemets) than the
less-than and greater-than signs.

See broket.


(Or square bracket) A left bracket or {right

Often used loosely for parentheses, square brackets,
braces, angle brackets, or any other kind of unequal
paired delimiters.

bracket abstraction
bracket abstraction

An algorithm which turns a term into a function
of some variable. The result of using bracket abstraction on
T with respect to variable v, written as [v]T, is a term
containing no occurrences of v and denoting a function f such
that f v = T. This defines the function f = (\ v . T). Using
bracket abstraction and currying we can define a language
without bound variables in which the only operation is
monadic function application.

See combinator.

curly bracket
curly bracket

egyptian brackets
Egyptian brackets

A humourous term for K&R indent style,
referring to the "one hand up in front, one down behind" pose
which popular culture inexplicably associates with Egypt.

[{Dodgy Coder


left bracket
left bracket

"[". ASCII character 91.

Common: left square bracket; ITU-T: opening bracket;
bracket. Rare: square; INTERCAL: U turn.

Paired with right bracket ("]").

right bracket
right bracket

"]". ASCII character 93.

Common names: right square bracket; ITU-T: closing bracket;
unbracket. Rare: unsquare; INTERCAL: U turn back.

Paired with left bracket.

angle brackets
angle brackets

Either of the characters < (ASCII 0111100) and > (ASCII 0111110) (ASCII
less-than or greater-than signs). Typographers in the Real World use
angle brackets which are either taller and slimmer (the ISO lang 〈 and
rang 〉 characters), or significantly smaller (single or double guillemets)
than the less-than and greater-than signs. See broket, ASCII.

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