Capability Maturity Model
Capabilities Maturity Model

(CMM) The Software Engineering Institute's model
of software engineering that specifies five levels of
maturity of the processes of a software organisation. CMM
offers a framework for evolutionary process improvement.
Originally applied to software development (SE-CMM), it has
been expanded to cover other areas including Human Resources
and Software Acquitition.

The levels - focii - and key process areas are:

Level 1 Initial - Heroes - None.

Level 2 Repeatable - Project Management - Software Project
Planning, Software Project Tracking and Oversight, Software
Subcontract Management, Software Quality Assurance, Software
Configuration Management, Requirements Management.

Level 3 Defined - Engineering Process - Organisation Process
Focus, Organisation Process Definition, Peer Reviews, Training
Program, Inter-group Coordination, Software Product
Engineering, Integrated Software Management.

Level 4 Managed - Product and Process Quality - Software
Quality Management, Quantitative Process Management.

Level 5 Optimising - Continuous Improvement - Process Change
Management, Technology Change Management, Defect Prevention.


Color Management Method (DTP, ICM)
podobné slovodefinícia
Capability Maturity Model
Capabilities Maturity Model

(CMM) The Software Engineering Institute's model
of software engineering that specifies five levels of
maturity of the processes of a software organisation. CMM
offers a framework for evolutionary process improvement.
Originally applied to software development (SE-CMM), it has
been expanded to cover other areas including Human Resources
and Software Acquitition.

The levels - focii - and key process areas are:

Level 1 Initial - Heroes - None.

Level 2 Repeatable - Project Management - Software Project
Planning, Software Project Tracking and Oversight, Software
Subcontract Management, Software Quality Assurance, Software
Configuration Management, Requirements Management.

Level 3 Defined - Engineering Process - Organisation Process
Focus, Organisation Process Definition, Peer Reviews, Training
Program, Inter-group Coordination, Software Product
Engineering, Integrated Software Management.

Level 4 Managed - Product and Process Quality - Software
Quality Management, Quantitative Process Management.

Level 5 Optimising - Continuous Improvement - Process Change
Management, Technology Change Management, Defect Prevention.



Capability Maturity Model Integration
Color Management Method (DTP, ICM)
Capability Maturity Model Integration
Cache/Memory Management Unit

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