COMMON ASSURANCES. Title by deeds are so called, because, it is said, every
man ' s estate is assured to him; these deed's or instruments operate either
as conveyances or as charges.
2.- 1. Deeds of conveyance are, first, at common law, and include
feoffments, gifts, grants, leases, exchanges, partition's, releases,
confirmations, surrenders, assignments, and defeasances; secondly, deeds of
conveyance under the statute of uses, as covenants to stand seised to uses,
bargains and sale, lease and release, deeds to lead or declare uses, and
deeds of appointment and revocation.
3. - 2. Deeds which do not convoy, but only charge or discharge lands,
are obligations, recognizances, and defeasances. Vide Assurance; Deed.

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