Caddice \Cad"dice\, Caddis \Cad"dis\, n. [Prov. E. caddy, cadew;
cf. G. k["o]der bait.] (Zool.)
The larva of a caddice fly. These larv[ae] generally live in
cylindrical cases, open at each end, and covered externally
with pieces of broken shells, gravel, bits of wood, etc. They
are a favorite bait with anglers. Called also caddice worm,
or caddis worm.
[1913 Webster]
Caddis \Cad"dis\, n. [OE. caddas, Scot. caddis lint, caddes a
kind of woolen cloth, cf. Gael. cada, cadadh, a kind of
cloth, cotton, fustian, W. cadas, F. cadis.]
A kind of worsted lace or ribbon. "Caddises, cambrics,
lawns." --Shak.
[1913 Webster] caddis fly
podobné slovodefinícia
caddish,náležící někomu nebo něčemu Jiří Šmoldascaddish,související s někým nebo něčím Jiří Šmoldas
caddis fly
caddis fly \caddis fly\, caddisfly \caddisfly\n.
same as caddice fly.

Syn: caddice fly, caddicefly.
[WordNet 1.5]
caddis worm
Caddice \Cad"dice\, Caddis \Cad"dis\, n. [Prov. E. caddy, cadew;
cf. G. k["o]der bait.] (Zool.)
The larva of a caddice fly. These larv[ae] generally live in
cylindrical cases, open at each end, and covered externally
with pieces of broken shells, gravel, bits of wood, etc. They
are a favorite bait with anglers. Called also caddice worm,
or caddis worm.
[1913 Webster]
caddis fly \caddis fly\, caddisfly \caddisfly\n.
same as caddice fly.

Syn: caddice fly, caddicefly.
[WordNet 1.5]
Caddish \Cad"dish\, a.
Like a cad; lowbred and presuming.
[1913 Webster]
caddis fly
caddis fly
n 1: small moth-like insect having two pairs of hairy membranous
wings and aquatic larvae [syn: caddis fly, caddis-fly,
caddice fly, caddice-fly]
n 1: small moth-like insect having two pairs of hairy membranous
wings and aquatic larvae [syn: caddis fly, caddis-fly,
caddice fly, caddice-fly]
adj 1: offensively discourteous [syn: caddish, unchivalrous,
n 1: larva of the caddis fly; constructs a case of silk covered
with sand or plant debris [syn: caddisworm, strawworm]

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