calypso,druh orchideje Zdeněk Brož
calypso,druh písně Zdeněk Brož
Calypso \Ca*lyp"so\ (k[.a]*l[i^]p"s[-o]), n. [The Latinized
Greek name of a beautiful nymph.] (Bot.)
A small and beautiful species of orchid, having a flower
variegated with purple, pink, and yellow. It grows in cold
and wet localities in the northern part of the United States.
The Calypso borealis is the only orchid which reaches
68[deg] N.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: rare north temperate bog orchid bearing a solitary white to
pink flower marked with purple at the tip of an erect
reddish stalk above 1 basal leaf [syn: calypso, {fairy-
slipper}, Calypso bulbosa]
2: (Greek mythology) the sea nymph who detained Odysseus for
seven years
podobné slovodefinícia
calypso,druh orchideje Zdeněk Brožcalypso,druh písně Zdeněk Brož
Calypso borealis
Calypso \Ca*lyp"so\ (k[.a]*l[i^]p"s[-o]), n. [The Latinized
Greek name of a beautiful nymph.] (Bot.)
A small and beautiful species of orchid, having a flower
variegated with purple, pink, and yellow. It grows in cold
and wet localities in the northern part of the United States.
The Calypso borealis is the only orchid which reaches
68[deg] N.
[1913 Webster]
Calypso bulbosa
fairy-slipper \fairy-slipper\ n.
a rare north temperate bog orchid (Calypso bulbosa) bearing
a solitary white to pink flower marked with purple at the tip
of an erect reddish stalk above one basal leaf.

Syn: calypso, Calypso bulbosa.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: rare north temperate bog orchid bearing a solitary white to
pink flower marked with purple at the tip of an erect
reddish stalk above 1 basal leaf [syn: calypso, {fairy-
slipper}, Calypso bulbosa]
2: (Greek mythology) the sea nymph who detained Odysseus for
seven years
calypso bulbosa
Calypso bulbosa
n 1: rare north temperate bog orchid bearing a solitary white to
pink flower marked with purple at the tip of an erect
reddish stalk above 1 basal leaf [syn: calypso, {fairy-
slipper}, Calypso bulbosa]
genus calypso
genus Calypso
n 1: one species found throughout much of northern North America
and Eurasia

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