slovo | definícia |
Canker rash (gcide) | Rash \Rash\, n. [OF. rasche an eruption, scurf, F. rache; fr.
(assumed) LL. rasicare to scratch, fr. L. radere, rasum, to
scrape, scratch, shave. See Rase, and cf. Rascal.] (Med.)
A fine eruption or efflorescence on the body, with little or
no elevation.
[1913 Webster]
Canker rash. See in the Vocabulary.
Nettle rash. See Urticaria.
Rose rash. See Roseola.
Tooth rash. See Red-gum.
[1913 Webster] |
Canker rash (gcide) | Canker rash \Can"ker rash`\ (Med.)
A form of scarlet fever characterized by ulcerated or putrid
sore throat.
[1913 Webster] |
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