slovo | definícia |
carbon process (encz) | carbon process, n: |
Carbon process (gcide) | Carbon process \Car"bon process\ (Photog.)
A printing process depending on the effect of light on
bichromatized gelatin. Paper coated with a mixture of the
gelatin and a pigment is called
carbon paper or
carbon tissue. This is exposed under a negative and the
film is transferred from the paper to some other support
and developed by washing (the unexposed portions being
dissolved away). If the process stops here it is called
single transfer; if the image is afterward transferred
in order to give an unreversed print, the method is called
double transfer.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.] |
carbon process (wn) | carbon process
n 1: a process of printing on paper coated with bichromated
gelatin containing pigment |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
carbon process (encz) | carbon process, n: |
carbon process (wn) | carbon process
n 1: a process of printing on paper coated with bichromated
gelatin containing pigment |
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