Cenchrus tribuloides
Hedgehog \Hedge"hog`\, n.
1. (Zool.) A small European insectivore ({Erinaceus
Europ[ae]us}), and other allied species of Asia and
Africa, having the hair on the upper part of its body
mixed with prickles or spines. It is able to roll itself
into a ball so as to present the spines outwardly in every
direction. It is nocturnal in its habits, feeding chiefly
upon insects.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) The Canadian porcupine.[U.S]
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) A species of Medicago (Medicago intertexta),
the pods of which are armed with short spines; --
popularly so called. --Loudon.
[1913 Webster]

4. A form of dredging machine. --Knight.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Elec.) A variety of transformer with open magnetic
circuit, the ends of the iron wire core being turned
outward and presenting a bristling appearance, whence the
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

6. (Mil.) a defensive obstacle having pointed barbs extending
outward, such as one composed of crossed logs with barbed
wire wound around them, or a tangle of steel beams
embedded in concrete used to impede or damage landing
craft on a beach; also, a position well-fortified with
such defensive obstacles.

Hedgehog caterpillar (Zool.), the hairy larv[ae] of several
species of bombycid moths, as of the Isabella moth. It
curls up like a hedgehog when disturbed. See {Woolly
bear}, and Isabella moth.

Hedgehog fish (Zool.), any spinose plectognath fish, esp.
of the genus Diodon; the porcupine fish.

Hedgehog grass (Bot.), a grass with spiny involucres,
growing on sandy shores; burgrass ({Cenchrus

Hedgehog rat (Zool.), one of several West Indian rodents,
allied to the porcupines, but with ratlike tails, and few
quills, or only stiff bristles. The hedgehog rats belong
to Capromys, Plagiodon, and allied genera.

Hedgehog shell (Zool.), any spinose, marine, univalve shell
of the genus Murex.

Hedgehog thistle (Bot.), a plant of the Cactus family,
globular in form, and covered with spines

Sea hedgehog. See Diodon.
[1913 Webster]
cenchrus tribuloides
Cenchrus tribuloides
n 1: grass of the eastern United States and tropical America
having spikelets enclosed in prickly burs [syn: sandbur,
sandspur, field sandbur, Cenchrus tribuloides]
podobné slovodefinícia
cenchrus tribuloides
Cenchrus tribuloides
n 1: grass of the eastern United States and tropical America
having spikelets enclosed in prickly burs [syn: sandbur,
sandspur, field sandbur, Cenchrus tribuloides]

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