Centipede \Cen"ti*pede\, n. [L. centipeda; centum a hundred +
pes, pedis, foot: cf. F. centip[`e]de.] (Zool.)
A species of the Myriapoda; esp. the large, flattened,
venomous kinds of the order Chilopoda, found in tropical
climates. they are many-jointed, and have a great number of
feet. [Formerly also chi`lioi centiped (?).]
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
centipede,stonožka Jiří Šmoldas
centipedes,stonožky Jiří Šmoldas
garden centipede
garden centipede, n:
house centipede
house centipede, n:
Centipede \Cen"ti*pede\, n. [L. centipeda; centum a hundred +
pes, pedis, foot: cf. F. centip[`e]de.] (Zool.)
A species of the Myriapoda; esp. the large, flattened,
venomous kinds of the order Chilopoda, found in tropical
climates. they are many-jointed, and have a great number of
feet. [Formerly also chi`lioi centiped (?).]
[1913 Webster]
Centipede \Cen"ti*pede\, n. [L. centipeda; centum a hundred +
pes, pedis, foot: cf. F. centip[`e]de.] (Zool.)
A species of the Myriapoda; esp. the large, flattened,
venomous kinds of the order Chilopoda, found in tropical
climates. they are many-jointed, and have a great number of
feet. [Formerly also chi`lioi centiped (?).]
[1913 Webster]
n 1: chiefly nocturnal predacious arthropod having a flattened
body of 15 to 173 segments each with a pair of legs, the
foremost pair being modified as prehensors
garden centipede
garden centipede
n 1: minute arthropod often infesting the underground parts of
truck-garden and greenhouse crops [syn: garden centipede,
garden symphilid, symphilid, Scutigerella immaculata]
house centipede
house centipede
n 1: long-legged centipede common in damp places as e.g. cellars
[syn: house centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata]

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