slovo | definícia |
church integer (foldoc) | Church integer
A representation of integers as functions invented by
Alonzo Church, inventor of lambda-calculus. The integer N
is represented as a higher-order function which applies a
given function N times to a given expression. In the {pure
lambda-calculus} there are no constants but numbers can be
represented by Church integers.
A Haskell function to return a given Church integer could be
church n = c
c f x = if n == 0 then x else c' f (f x)
c' = church (n-1)
A function to turn a Church integer into an ordinary integer:
unchurch c = c (+1) 0
See also von Neumann integer.
| podobné slovo | definícia |
church integer (foldoc) | Church integer
A representation of integers as functions invented by
Alonzo Church, inventor of lambda-calculus. The integer N
is represented as a higher-order function which applies a
given function N times to a given expression. In the {pure
lambda-calculus} there are no constants but numbers can be
represented by Church integers.
A Haskell function to return a given Church integer could be
church n = c
c f x = if n == 0 then x else c' f (f x)
c' = church (n-1)
A function to turn a Church integer into an ordinary integer:
unchurch c = c (+1) 0
See also von Neumann integer.
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