- priehľadný, číry, čistý, zrejmý, zreteľný, jasný, jasne,
jasno, vyčistenie, očistiť, vyčistiť, vymazať
clear,čirý adj: Zdeněk Brož
clear,čistý adj: Zdeněk Brož
clear,jasně adv: Zdeněk Brož
clear,jasný adj:
clear,očistit v: Zdeněk Brož
clear,proclít v: Rostislav Svoboda
clear,pročistit v: Zdeněk Brož
clear,proplatit v: Mgr. Dita Gálová
clear,průhledný adj:
clear,průsvitný adj: Zdeněk Brož
clear,ryzí adj: Zdeněk Brož
clear,smazat v: Zdeněk Brož
clear,ujasnit v: Zdeněk Brož
clear,volný adj: Rostislav Svoboda
clear,vyčistit v: Zdeněk Brož
clear,vyjasnit v: Zdeněk Brož
clear,vynulovat v: Zdeněk Brož
clear,zřejmý adj: Zdeněk Brož
clear,zřetelný adj: Zdeněk Brož
clear,zúčtovat v: Mgr. Dita Gálová
Clear \Clear\ (kl[=e]r), a. [Compar. Clearer (-[~e]r); superl.
Clearest.] [OE. cler, cleer, OF. cler, F. clair, fr.L.
clarus, clear, bright, loud, distinct, renowned; perh. akin
to L. clamare to call, E. claim. Cf. Chanticleer,
Clairvoyant, Claret, Clarify.]
1. Free from opaqueness; transparent; bright; light;
luminous; unclouded.
[1913 Webster]

The stream is so transparent, pure, and clear.
[1913 Webster]

Fair as the moon, clear as the sun. --Canticles
vi. 10.
[1913 Webster]

2. Free from ambiguity or indistinctness; lucid; perspicuous;
plain; evident; manifest; indubitable.
[1913 Webster]

One truth is clear; whatever is, is right. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. Able to perceive clearly; keen; acute; penetrating;
discriminating; as, a clear intellect; a clear head.
[1913 Webster]

Mother of science! now I feel thy power
Within me clear, not only to discern
Things in their causes, but to trace the ways
Of highest agents. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

4. Not clouded with passion; serene; cheerful.
[1913 Webster]

With a countenance as clear
As friendship wears at feasts. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

5. Easily or distinctly heard; audible; canorous.
[1913 Webster]

Hark! the numbers soft and clear
Gently steal upon the ear. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

6. Without mixture; entirely pure; as, clear sand.
[1913 Webster]

7. Without defect or blemish, such as freckles or knots; as,
a clear complexion; clear lumber.
[1913 Webster]

8. Free from guilt or stain; unblemished.
[1913 Webster]

Statesman, yet friend to truth! in soul sincere,
In action faithful, and in honor clear. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

9. Without diminution; in full; net; as, clear profit.
[1913 Webster]

I often wished that I had clear,
For life, six hundred pounds a-year. --Swift
[1913 Webster]

10. Free from impediment or obstruction; unobstructed; as, a
clear view; to keep clear of debt.
[1913 Webster]

My companion . . . left the way clear for him.
[1913 Webster]

11. Free from embarrassment; detention, etc.
[1913 Webster]

The cruel corporal whispered in my ear,
Five pounds, if rightly tipped, would set me clear.
[1913 Webster]

Clear breach. See under Breach, n., 4.

Clear days (Law.), days reckoned from one day to another,
excluding both the first and last day; as, from Sunday to
Sunday there are six clear days.

Clear stuff, boards, planks, etc., free from knots.

Syn: Manifest; pure; unmixed; pellucid; transparent;
luminous; obvious; visible; plain; evident; apparent;
distinct; perspicuous. See Manifest.
[1913 Webster]
Clear \Clear\ (kl[=e]r), v. i.
1. To become free from clouds or fog; to become fair; -- of
the weather; -- often followed by up, off, or away.
[1913 Webster]

So foul a sky clears not without a storm. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Advise him to stay till the weather clears up.
[1913 Webster]

2. To become free from turbidity; -- of solutions or
suspensions of liquids; as, the salt has not completely
dissolved until the suspension clears up; when
refrigerated, the juice may become cloudy, but when warmed
to room temperature, it clears up again.

3. To disengage one's self from incumbrances, distress, or
entanglements; to become free. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

He that clears at once will relapse; for finding
himself out of straits, he will revert to his
customs; but he that cleareth by degrees induceth a
habit of frugality. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Banking) To make exchanges of checks and bills, and
settle balances, as is done in a clearing house.
[1913 Webster]

4. To obtain a clearance; as, the steamer cleared for
Liverpool to-day.
[1913 Webster]

To clear out, to go or run away; to depart. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]
Clear \Clear\ (kl[=e]r), n. (Carp.)
Full extent; distance between extreme limits; especially; the
distance between the nearest surfaces of two bodies, or the
space between walls; as, a room ten feet square in the clear.
[1913 Webster]
Clear \Clear\, adv.
1. In a clear manner; plainly.
[1913 Webster]

Now clear I understand
What oft . . . thoughts have searched in vain.
[1913 Webster]

2. Without limitation; wholly; quite; entirely; as, to cut a
piece clear off.
[1913 Webster]
Clear \Clear\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cleared; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To render bright, transparent, or undimmed; to free from
[1913 Webster]

He sweeps the skies and clears the cloudy north.
[1913 Webster]

2. To free from impurities; to clarify; to cleanse.
[1913 Webster]

3. To free from obscurity or ambiguity; to relive of
perplexity; to make perspicuous.
[1913 Webster]

Many knotty points there are
Which all discuss, but few can clear. --Prior.
[1913 Webster]

4. To render more quick or acute, as the understanding; to
make perspicacious.
[1913 Webster]

Our common prints would clear up their
understandings. --Addison
[1913 Webster]

5. To free from impediment or incumbrance, from defilement,
or from anything injurious, useless, or offensive; as, to
clear land of trees or brushwood, or from stones; to clear
the sight or the voice; to clear one's self from debt; --
often used with of, off, away, or out.
[1913 Webster]

Clear your mind of cant. --Dr. Johnson.
[1913 Webster]

A statue lies hid in a block of marble; and the art
of the statuary only clears away the superfluous
matter. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

6. To free from the imputation of guilt; to justify,
vindicate, or acquit; -- often used with from before the
thing imputed.
[1913 Webster]

I . . . am sure he will clear me from partiality.
[1913 Webster]

How! wouldst thou clear rebellion? --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

7. To leap or pass by, or over, without touching or failure;
as, to clear a hedge; to clear a reef.
[1913 Webster]

8. To gain without deduction; to net.
[1913 Webster]

The profit which she cleared on the cargo.
[1913 Webster]

To clear a ship at the customhouse, to exhibit the
documents required by law, give bonds, or perform other
acts requisite, and procure a permission to sail, and such
papers as the law requires.

To clear a ship for action, or To clear for action
(Naut.), to remove incumbrances from the decks, and
prepare for an engagement.

To clear the land (Naut.), to gain such a distance from
shore as to have sea room, and be out of danger from the

To clear hawse (Naut.), to disentangle the cables when

To clear up, to explain; to dispel, as doubts, cares or
[1913 Webster]
adv 1: completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept
clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear
to the horizon" [syn: clear, all the way]
2: in an easily perceptible manner; "could be seen clearly under
the microscope"; "She cried loud and clear" [syn: clearly,
adj 1: readily apparent to the mind; "a clear and present
danger"; "a clear explanation"; "a clear case of murder";
"a clear indication that she was angry"; "gave us a clear
idea of human nature" [ant: unclear]
2: free from confusion or doubt; "a complex problem requiring a
clear head"; "not clear about what is expected of us"
3: affording free passage or view; "a clear view"; "a clear path
to victory"; "open waters"; "the open countryside" [syn:
clear, open]
4: allowing light to pass through; "clear water"; "clear plastic
bags"; "clear glass"; "the air is clear and clean" [ant:
5: free from contact or proximity or connection; "we were clear
of the danger"; "the ship was clear of the reef"
6: characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially
guilt); "a clear conscience"; "regarded her questioner with
clear untroubled eyes"
7: (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims;
"efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings";
"clear laughter like a waterfall"; "clear reds and blues"; "a
light lilting voice like a silver bell" [syn: clean,
clear, light, unclouded]
8: (especially of a title) free from any encumbrance or
limitation that presents a question of fact or law; "I have
clear title to this property" [syn: clear, unmortgaged]
9: clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible; "as
clear as a whistle"; "clear footprints in the snow"; "the
letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather"; "a
spire clean-cut against the sky"; "a clear-cut pattern" [syn:
clear, clean-cut, clear-cut]
10: accurately stated or described; "a set of well-defined
values" [syn: well-defined, clear] [ant: ill-defined,
11: free from clouds or mist or haze; "on a clear day" [ant:
12: free of restrictions or qualifications; "a clean bill of
health"; "a clear winner" [syn: clean, clear]
13: free from flaw or blemish or impurity; "a clear perfect
diamond"; "the clear complexion of a healthy young woman"
14: clear of charges or deductions; "a clear profit"
15: easily deciphered [syn: clear, decipherable, readable]
16: freed from any question of guilt; "is absolved from all
blame"; "was now clear of the charge of cowardice"; "his
official honor is vindicated" [syn: absolved, clear,
cleared, exculpated, exonerated, vindicated]
17: characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving; "clear
mind"; "a percipient author" [syn: clear, percipient]
n 1: the state of being free of suspicion; "investigation showed
that he was in the clear"
2: a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water;
"finally broke out of the forest into the open" [syn: open,
v 1: rid of obstructions; "Clear your desk" [syn: unclutter,
clear] [ant: clutter, clutter up]
2: make a way or path by removing objects; "Clear a path through
the dense forest"
3: become clear; "The sky cleared after the storm" [syn: {clear
up}, clear, light up, brighten] [ant: cloud,
4: grant authorization or clearance for; "Clear the manuscript
for publication"; "The rock star never authorized this
slanderous biography" [syn: authorize, authorise, pass,
5: remove; "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "Clear snow from
the road"
6: go unchallenged; be approved; "The bill cleared the House"
[syn: pass, clear]
7: be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts; "The
check will clear within 2 business days" [ant: bounce]
8: go away or disappear; "The fog cleared in the afternoon"
9: pass by, over, or under without making contact; "the balloon
cleared the tree tops" [syn: clear, top]
10: make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear; "Could
you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who
is at fault" [syn: clear, clear up, shed light on,
crystallize, crystallise, crystalize, crystalise,
straighten out, sort out, enlighten, illuminate,
11: free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment;
"Clear the ship and let it dock"
12: clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.; "clear
the water before it can be drunk"
13: yield as a net profit; "This sale netted me $1 million"
[syn: net, clear]
14: make as a net profit; "The company cleared $1 million" [syn:
net, sack, sack up, clear]
15: earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as
salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new
job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger
brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month"
[syn: gain, take in, clear, make, earn, realize,
realise, pull in, bring in]
16: sell; "We cleared a lot of the old model cars"
17: pass an inspection or receive authorization; "clear customs"
18: pronounce not guilty of criminal charges; "The suspect was
cleared of the murder charges" [syn: acquit, assoil,
clear, discharge, exonerate, exculpate] [ant:
19: settle, as of a debt; "clear a debt"; "solve an old debt"
[syn: clear, solve]
20: make clear, bright, light, or translucent; "The water had to
be cleared through filtering"
21: rid of instructions or data; "clear a memory buffer"
22: remove (people) from a building; "clear the patrons from the
theater after the bomb threat"
23: remove the occupants of; "Clear the building"
24: free (the throat) by making a rasping sound; "Clear the
throat" [syn: clear, clear up]

A specification language based on {initial

["An Informal Introduction to Specification Using CLEAR",
R.M. Burstall in The Correctness Problem in Computer Science,
R.S. Boyer et al eds, Academic Press 1981, pp. 185-213].

podobné slovodefinícia
- priehľadný, číry, čistý, zrejmý, zreteľný, jasný, jasne,
jasno, vyčistenie, očistiť, vyčistiť, vymazať
clear away
clear away
- odstrániť
clear off
clear off
- zmiznúť
clear out
clear out
- upratať
clear up
clear up
- objasniť
- zúčtovanie
- zrejmý
- bystrozraký
- preclenie, zúčtovanie
- zrejme, jasno
- bystrozraký, jasnozrivý
- inteligentný, jasne mysliaci
- objasnený
- krištáľovo čistý
customs clearance
customs clearance
- colné vybavenie
- atómový
to clear the payment
to clear the payment
- previesť
aboveground nuclear testing
aboveground nuclear testing,nadzemní nukleární testování
all clear
all clear,konec poplachu Zdeněk Brožall clear,povolení k pokračování n: Zdeněk Brožall clear,volno n: Zdeněk Brož
all-clear,povolení k pokračování n: Zdeněk Brož
anti-nuclear,protinukleární adj: Zdeněk Brož
antinuclear,protiatomový adv: antinuclear,protinukleární adj: Zdeněk Brož
as clear as day
as clear as day,jasné jako facka [fráz.] Pino
be in the clear
be in the clear,být z obliga [fráz.] Pinobe in the clear,být zbaven podezření [fráz.] o zločinu, nebo také
podezření diagnozy nemoci Pino
binuclear,binukleární adj: Zdeněk Brožbinuclear,mající dvě jádra web
clear,čirý adj: Zdeněk Brožclear,čistý adj: Zdeněk Brožclear,jasně adv: Zdeněk Brožclear,jasný adj: clear,očistit v: Zdeněk Brožclear,proclít v: Rostislav Svobodaclear,pročistit v: Zdeněk Brožclear,proplatit v: Mgr. Dita Gálováclear,průhledný adj: joe@hw.czclear,průsvitný adj: Zdeněk Brožclear,ryzí adj: Zdeněk Brožclear,smazat v: Zdeněk Brožclear,ujasnit v: Zdeněk Brožclear,volný adj: Rostislav Svobodaclear,vyčistit v: Zdeněk Brožclear,vyjasnit v: Zdeněk Brožclear,vynulovat v: Zdeněk Brožclear,zřejmý adj: Zdeněk Brožclear,zřetelný adj: Zdeněk Brožclear,zúčtovat v: Mgr. Dita Gálová
clear and present danger
clear and present danger, n:
clear as a bell
clear as a bell,jasně srozumitelný Zdeněk Brožclear as a bell,zřetelný adj: Zdeněk Brož
clear as day
clear as day,jasné jako facka [fráz.] Pino
clear as mud
clear as mud,matoucí adj: Zdeněk Brožclear as mud,nepochopitelný adj: Zdeněk Brož
clear away
clear away,odklidit v: Zdeněk Brožclear away,odstranit v: Zdeněk Brožclear away,sklidit v: Zdeněk Brož
clear eyes
clear eyes,dobré oči
clear liquid diet
clear liquid diet, n:
clear negative
clear negative,vykrytý negativ
clear off
clear off,vypadnout [frsl.] Pinoclear off,zmizet v: Zdeněk Brožclear off,ztratit se v: Zdeněk Brož
clear out
clear out,uklidit v: Zdeněk Brožclear out,vyklidit v: Zdeněk Brožclear out,vypadnout [frsl.] Pinoclear out,zmizet [frsl.] Pino
clear profit
clear profit,čistý zisk [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
clear sailing
clear sailing, n:
clear sight
clear sight,bystrý zrak
clear soup
clear soup,vývar
clear the air
clear the air,mluvit otevřeně o problému Zdeněk Brož
clear the throat
clear the throat, v:
clear up
clear up,objasnit v: Zdeněk Brožclear up,vyjasnit v: Zdeněk Brož
clear water storage tank
clear water storage tank,akumulační nádrž [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
clear wood
clear wood,dřevo bez suku
clear your head
clear your head,
clear-air turbulence
clear-air turbulence, n:

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