complementary nondeterministic polynomial

(Co-NP) The set (or property) of problems with a
yes/no answer where the complementary no/yes problem takes
nondeterministic polynomial time (NP).

For example, "Is n prime" is Co-NP and "Is n not prime" is NP,
since it is only necessary to find one factor to prove that
n is not prime whereas to prove that it is prime all possible
factors must be eliminated.

podobné slovodefinícia
complementary nondeterministic polynomial

(Co-NP) The set (or property) of problems with a
yes/no answer where the complementary no/yes problem takes
nondeterministic polynomial time (NP).

For example, "Is n prime" is Co-NP and "Is n not prime" is NP,
since it is only necessary to find one factor to prove that
n is not prime whereas to prove that it is prime all possible
factors must be eliminated.


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