code division multiplexing
Code Division Multiple Access
code division multiplexing

(CDMA) (Or "spread spectrum") A form of
multiplexing where the transmitter encodes the signal using
a pseudorandom sequence which the receiver also knows and
can use to decode the received signal. Each different random
sequence corresponds to a different communication channel.

Motorola uses CDMA for digital mobile phones. Qualcomm
pioneered the introduction of CDMA into wireless telephone

podobné slovodefinícia
code division multiplexing
Code Division Multiple Access
code division multiplexing

(CDMA) (Or "spread spectrum") A form of
multiplexing where the transmitter encodes the signal using
a pseudorandom sequence which the receiver also knows and
can use to decode the received signal. Each different random
sequence corresponds to a different communication channel.

Motorola uses CDMA for digital mobile phones. Qualcomm
pioneered the introduction of CDMA into wireless telephone


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