slovo | definícia |
computer emergency response team (foldoc) | Computer Emergency Response Team
(CERT) An organisation formed by DARPA in
November 1988 in response to the Internet worm incident.
The CERT charter is to work with the Internet community to
help it responf to computer security events involving Internet
hosts, to raise awareness of computer security issues and to
conduct research targeted at improving the security of
existing systems. CERT products and services include 24-hour
technical assistance for responding to computer security
incidents, product vulnerability assistance, technical
documents and tutorials.
CERT Home (
E-mail: (incident reports).
Telephone +1 (412) 268 7090 (24-hour hotline).
| podobné slovo | definícia |
computer emergency response team (foldoc) | Computer Emergency Response Team
(CERT) An organisation formed by DARPA in
November 1988 in response to the Internet worm incident.
The CERT charter is to work with the Internet community to
help it responf to computer security events involving Internet
hosts, to raise awareness of computer security issues and to
conduct research targeted at improving the security of
existing systems. CERT products and services include 24-hour
technical assistance for responding to computer security
incidents, product vulnerability assistance, technical
documents and tutorials.
CERT Home (
E-mail: (incident reports).
Telephone +1 (412) 268 7090 (24-hour hotline).
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online slovník, sk-spell - slovníkové dáta, IZ Bratislava, Malé Karpaty - turistika, Michal Páleník, správy, údaje o okresoch V4