constant angular velocity
constant angular velocity

(CAV) One of the two schemes for controlling the rate of
rotation of the disk in a disk drive. Constant {angular
velocity} keeps the rate of rotation constant. This means that
the linear velocity of the disk under the head is larger when
reading or writing the outer tracks. This in turn implies
either a variation in the data rate to and from the heads or the
bits per unit length along the track.

The alternative, constant linear velocity, requires the rate of
rotation of the disk to accelerate and decelerate according to the
radial postion of the heads, increasing the energy use and

podobné slovodefinícia
constant angular velocity
constant angular velocity

(CAV) One of the two schemes for controlling the rate of
rotation of the disk in a disk drive. Constant {angular
velocity} keeps the rate of rotation constant. This means that
the linear velocity of the disk under the head is larger when
reading or writing the outer tracks. This in turn implies
either a variation in the data rate to and from the heads or the
bits per unit length along the track.

The alternative, constant linear velocity, requires the rate of
rotation of the disk to accelerate and decelerate according to the
radial postion of the heads, increasing the energy use and


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