content data model
Content Data Model

(CDM) An SGML-based
specification for interactive maintenance manuals, developed by
the Air Force Human Resourceas Laboratory (AFHRL) with assistance
from RJO Enterprises, Incorporated. CDM models data hierachically
and data are identified by their content structure with SGML
mark-up used to identify information classes such as "system
information", "functions", "tasks" and "steps".


["Final Report - Content Data Model of Organizational Maintenance
Information for Automated Interchange of Technical Source Data.",
Chicago, Illinois, Datalogics, Inc., 1998-07-07].

podobné slovodefinícia
content data model
Content Data Model

(CDM) An SGML-based
specification for interactive maintenance manuals, developed by
the Air Force Human Resourceas Laboratory (AFHRL) with assistance
from RJO Enterprises, Incorporated. CDM models data hierachically
and data are identified by their content structure with SGML
mark-up used to identify information classes such as "system
information", "functions", "tasks" and "steps".


["Final Report - Content Data Model of Organizational Maintenance
Information for Automated Interchange of Technical Source Data.",
Chicago, Illinois, Datalogics, Inc., 1998-07-07].


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