Crataegus Azarolus
Medlar \Med"lar\, n. [OE. medler medlar tree, OF. meslier, F.
n['e]flier, L. mespilum, mespilus, Gr. ?, ?. Cf.
A tree of the genus Mespilus (Mespilus Germanica); also,
the fruit of the tree. The fruit is something like a small
apple, but has a bony endocarp. When first gathered the flesh
is hard and austere, and it is not eaten until it has begun
to decay.
[1913 Webster]

Japan medlar (Bot.), the loquat. See Loquat.

Neapolitan medlar (Bot.), a kind of thorn tree ({Crataegus
Azarolus}); also, its fruit.
[1913 Webster]
Crataegus azarolus
Azarole \Az"a*role\, n. [F. azerole, the name of the fruit, fr.
Ar. az-zo'r?r: cf. It. azzeruolo, Sp. acerolo.] (Bot.)
The Neapolitan medlar (Crat[ae]gus azarolus), a shrub of
southern Europe; also, its fruit.
[1913 Webster] Azedarach
podobné slovodefinícia
Crataegus Azarolus
Medlar \Med"lar\, n. [OE. medler medlar tree, OF. meslier, F.
n['e]flier, L. mespilum, mespilus, Gr. ?, ?. Cf.
A tree of the genus Mespilus (Mespilus Germanica); also,
the fruit of the tree. The fruit is something like a small
apple, but has a bony endocarp. When first gathered the flesh
is hard and austere, and it is not eaten until it has begun
to decay.
[1913 Webster]

Japan medlar (Bot.), the loquat. See Loquat.

Neapolitan medlar (Bot.), a kind of thorn tree ({Crataegus
Azarolus}); also, its fruit.
[1913 Webster]Azarole \Az"a*role\, n. [F. azerole, the name of the fruit, fr.
Ar. az-zo'r?r: cf. It. azzeruolo, Sp. acerolo.] (Bot.)
The Neapolitan medlar (Crat[ae]gus azarolus), a shrub of
southern Europe; also, its fruit.
[1913 Webster] Azedarach

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