Crataegus tomentosa
Blackthorn \Black"thorn`\, n. (Bot.)
(a) A spreading thorny shrub or small tree ({Prunus
spinosa}), with blackish bark, and bearing little
black plums, which are called sloes; the sloe.
(b) A species of Crat[ae]gus or hawthorn ({Crat[ae]gus
tomentosa}). Both are used for hedges.
[1913 Webster]
crataegus tomentosa
Crataegus tomentosa
n 1: erect and almost thornless American hawthorn with somewhat
pear-shaped berries [syn: blackthorn, pear haw, {pear
hawthorn}, Crataegus calpodendron, Crataegus tomentosa]
podobné slovodefinícia
crataegus tomentosa
Crataegus tomentosa
n 1: erect and almost thornless American hawthorn with somewhat
pear-shaped berries [syn: blackthorn, pear haw, {pear
hawthorn}, Crataegus calpodendron, Crataegus tomentosa]

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