Digital Equipment Computer Users Society

(DECUS) A world-wide organisation of {Information
Technology} professionals interested in the products, services,
and technologies of Digital Equipment Corporation and related
vendors. Membership in the US chapter is free and provides
participants with the means to enhance their professional
development, forums for technical training, mechanisms for
obtaining up-to-date information, advocacy programs and
opportunities for informal disclosure and interaction with
professional colleagues of like interest.

DECUS Home (

Digital Equipment Computer Users Society (org., DEC, user group)
podobné slovodefinícia
decussate,křížit v: Zdeněk Broždecussate,zkřížený adj: Zdeněk Broždecussate,zkřížit v: Zdeněk Brož
decussation,zkřížení n: Zdeněk Brož
crossed decussate intersectant intersecting
nonparallel \nonparallel\ adj.
1. not parallel; -- of lines or linear objects. Opposite of
parallel. [Narrower terms: {bias, catacorner,
cata-cornered, catercorner, cater-cornered, catty-corner,
catty-cornered, diagonal, kitty-corner, kitty-cornered,
oblique, skew, skewed, slanted ; {crossed, decussate,
intersectant, intersecting}; cross-grained ; {diagonal;
{orthogonal, orthographic, rectangular, right-angled ;
right, perpendicular; angled ; {convergent] Also See:
convergent, divergent, diverging.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. (Computers) Not using parallel processing; -- of
computers. [Narrower terms: serial] PJC]
Decussate \De*cus"sate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Decussated; p.
pr. & vb. n. Decussating.] [L. decussatus, p. p. of
decussare to cross like an X, fr. decussis (orig. equiv. to
decem asses) the number ten, which the Romans represented by
To cross at an acute angle; to cut or divide in the form of
X; to intersect; -- said of lines in geometrical figures,
rays of light, nerves, etc. DecussateDecussate \De*cus"sate\, Decussated \De*cus"sa*ted\, a.
1. Crossed; intersected.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Growing in pairs, each of which is at right angles
to the next pair above or below; as, decussated leaves or
[1913 Webster]

3. (Rhet.) Consisting of two rising and two falling clauses,
placed in alternate opposition to each other; as, a
decussated period.
[1913 Webster]
Decussate \De*cus"sate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Decussated; p.
pr. & vb. n. Decussating.] [L. decussatus, p. p. of
decussare to cross like an X, fr. decussis (orig. equiv. to
decem asses) the number ten, which the Romans represented by
To cross at an acute angle; to cut or divide in the form of
X; to intersect; -- said of lines in geometrical figures,
rays of light, nerves, etc. DecussateDecussate \De*cus"sate\, Decussated \De*cus"sa*ted\, a.
1. Crossed; intersected.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Growing in pairs, each of which is at right angles
to the next pair above or below; as, decussated leaves or
[1913 Webster]

3. (Rhet.) Consisting of two rising and two falling clauses,
placed in alternate opposition to each other; as, a
decussated period.
[1913 Webster]
Decussately \De*cus"sate*ly\, adv.
In a decussate manner.
[1913 Webster]
Decussate \De*cus"sate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Decussated; p.
pr. & vb. n. Decussating.] [L. decussatus, p. p. of
decussare to cross like an X, fr. decussis (orig. equiv. to
decem asses) the number ten, which the Romans represented by
To cross at an acute angle; to cut or divide in the form of
X; to intersect; -- said of lines in geometrical figures,
rays of light, nerves, etc. Decussate
Decussation \De`cus*sa"tion\, n. [L. decussatio.]
Act of crossing at an acute angle, or state of being thus
crossed; an intersection in the form of an X; as, the
decussation of lines, nerves, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Decussative \De*cus"sa*tive\, a.
Intersecting at acute angles. --Sir T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]
Decussatively \De*cus"sa*tive*ly\, adv.
Crosswise; in the form of an X. "Anointed decussatively."
--Sir T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: crossed or intersected in the form of an X [syn:
decussate, intersectant, intersecting]
v 1: cross or intersect so as to form a cross; "this nerve
decussates the other"; "the fibers decussate"
n 1: an intersection or crossing of two tracts in the form of
the letter X [syn: chiasma, chiasm, decussation]
Digital Equipment Computer Users Society

(DECUS) A world-wide organisation of {Information
Technology} professionals interested in the products, services,
and technologies of Digital Equipment Corporation and related
vendors. Membership in the US chapter is free and provides
participants with the means to enhance their professional
development, forums for technical training, mechanisms for
obtaining up-to-date information, advocacy programs and
opportunities for informal disclosure and interaction with
professional colleagues of like interest.

DECUS Home (

decus cpp
Decus cpp

An almost-ANSI C preprocessor by Martin Minow. It is
shipped with X11R5 (contrib/util/cpp) because some systems
don't have a working cpp.

It runs on VMS (Vax C, Decus C), RSX-11M, RSTS/E,
P/OS, RT11, A/UX and Apollo Domain/IX 9.6 and is
highly portable.

Digital Equipment Computer Users Society (org., DEC, user group)

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