daphne,lýkovec n: Zdeněk Brož
daphne,vavřín n: Zdeněk Brož
Daphne,ženské křestní jméno n: [female] [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Daphne \Daph"ne\, n. [L., a laurel tree, from Gr. da`fnh.]
1. (Bot.) A genus of diminutive Shrubs, mostly evergreen, and
with fragrant blossoms.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Myth.) A nymph of Diana, fabled to have been changed into
a laurel tree.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: any of several ornamental shrubs with shiny mostly
evergreen leaves and clusters of small bell-shaped flowers
2: (Greek mythology) a nymph who was transformed into a laurel
tree to escape the amorous Apollo
Document Application Processing in a Heterogeneous Network
podobné slovodefinícia
daphne,lýkovec n: Zdeněk Broždaphne,vavřín n: Zdeněk BrožDaphne,ženské křestní jméno n: [female] [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
daphne family
daphne family, n:
Chamaedaphne \Chamaedaphne\ n.
a genus consisting of only one species, the leatherleaf.

Syn: genus Chamaedaphne.
[WordNet 1.5]
Chamaedaphne calyculata
leatherleaf \leatherleaf\ n.
1. A stiff leathery-leaved fern (Polypodium scouleri) of
Western North America having ovate fronds parted to the

Syn: leathery polypody, coast polypody, {Polypodium
[WordNet 1.5]

2. A northern temperate bog shrub (Chamaedaphne calyculata)
with evergreen leathery leaves and small white cylindrical

Syn: Chamaedaphne calyculata.
[WordNet 1.5]
Daphne alpina
Daphnin \Daph"nin\, n. [Cf. F. daphnine.] (Chem.)
(a) A dark green bitter resin extracted from the mezereon
(Daphne mezereum) and regarded as the essential
principle of the plant. [R.]
(b) A white, crystalline, bitter substance, regarded as a
glucoside, and extracted from Daphne mezereum and
Daphne alpina.
[1913 Webster]
Daphne Gnidium
Spurge \Spurge\, n. [OF. espurge, F. ['e]purge, from OF.
espurgier to purge, L. expurgare. See Expurgate, Purge.]
Any plant of the genus Euphorbia. See Euphorbia.
[1913 Webster]

Spurge flax, an evergreen shrub (Daphne Gnidium) with
crowded narrow leaves. It is a native of Southern Europe.

Spurge laurel, a European shrub (Daphne Laureola) with
oblong evergreen leaves.

Spurge nettle. See under Nettle.

Spurge olive, an evergreen shrub (Daphne oleoides) found
in the Mediterranean region.
[1913 Webster]
Daphne Laureola
Spurge \Spurge\, n. [OF. espurge, F. ['e]purge, from OF.
espurgier to purge, L. expurgare. See Expurgate, Purge.]
Any plant of the genus Euphorbia. See Euphorbia.
[1913 Webster]

Spurge flax, an evergreen shrub (Daphne Gnidium) with
crowded narrow leaves. It is a native of Southern Europe.

Spurge laurel, a European shrub (Daphne Laureola) with
oblong evergreen leaves.

Spurge nettle. See under Nettle.

Spurge olive, an evergreen shrub (Daphne oleoides) found
in the Mediterranean region.
[1913 Webster]Laurel \Lau"rel\, n. [OE. lorel, laurer, lorer, OF. lorier,
laurier, F. laurier, (assumed) LL. Laurarius, fr. L. laurus.]
1. (Bot.) An evergreen shrub, of the genus Laurus ({Laurus
nobilis}), having aromatic leaves of a lanceolate shape,
with clusters of small, yellowish white flowers in their
axils; -- called also sweet bay.

Note: The fruit is a purple berry. It is found about the
Mediterranean, and was early used by the ancient Greeks
to crown the victor in the games of Apollo. At a later
period, academic honors were indicated by a crown of
laurel, with the fruit. The leaves and tree yield an
aromatic oil, used to flavor the bay water of commerce.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The name is extended to other plants which in some
respect resemble the true laurel. See Phrases, below.
[1913 Webster]

2. A crown of laurel; hence, honor; distinction; fame; --
especially in the plural; as, to win laurels.
[1913 Webster]

3. An English gold coin made in 1619, and so called because
the king's head on it was crowned with laurel.
[1913 Webster]

Laurel water, water distilled from the fresh leaves of the
cherry laurel, and containing prussic acid and other
products carried over in the process.
[1913 Webster]

American laurel, or Mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia;
called also calico bush. See under Mountain.

California laurel, Umbellularia Californica.

Cherry laurel (in England called laurel). See under

Great laurel, the rosebay (Rhododendron maximum).

Ground laurel, trailing arbutus.

New Zealand laurel, the Laurelia Nov[ae] Zelandi[ae].

Portugal laurel, the Prunus Lusitanica.

Rose laurel, the oleander. See Oleander.

Sheep laurel, a poisonous shrub, Kalmia angustifolia,
smaller than the mountain laurel, and with smaller and
redder flowers.

Spurge laurel, Daphne Laureola.

West Indian laurel, Prunus occidentalis.
[1913 Webster]Wood \Wood\, n. [OE. wode, wude, AS. wudu, wiodu; akin to OHG.
witu, Icel. vi?r, Dan. & Sw. ved wood, and probably to Ir. &
Gael. fiodh, W. gwydd trees, shrubs.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A large and thick collection of trees; a forest or grove;
-- frequently used in the plural.
[1913 Webster]

Light thickens, and the crow
Makes wing to the rooky wood. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. The substance of trees and the like; the hard fibrous
substance which composes the body of a tree and its
branches, and which is covered by the bark; timber. "To
worship their own work in wood and stone for gods."
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) The fibrous material which makes up the greater
part of the stems and branches of trees and shrubby
plants, and is found to a less extent in herbaceous stems.
It consists of elongated tubular or needle-shaped cells of
various kinds, usually interwoven with the shinning bands
called silver grain.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Wood consists chiefly of the carbohydrates cellulose
and lignin, which are isomeric with starch.
[1913 Webster]

4. Trees cut or sawed for the fire or other uses.
[1913 Webster]

Wood acid, Wood vinegar (Chem.), a complex acid liquid
obtained in the dry distillation of wood, and containing
large quantities of acetic acid; hence, specifically,
acetic acid. Formerly called pyroligneous acid.

Wood anemone (Bot.), a delicate flower (Anemone nemorosa)
of early spring; -- also called windflower. See Illust.
of Anemone.

Wood ant (Zool.), a large ant (Formica rufa) which lives
in woods and forests, and constructs large nests.

Wood apple (Bot.). See Elephant apple, under Elephant.

Wood baboon (Zool.), the drill.

Wood betony. (Bot.)
(a) Same as Betony.
(b) The common American lousewort ({Pedicularis
Canadensis}), a low perennial herb with yellowish or
purplish flowers.

Wood borer. (Zool.)
(a) The larva of any one of numerous species of boring
beetles, esp. elaters, longicorn beetles,
buprestidans, and certain weevils. See Apple borer,
under Apple, and Pine weevil, under Pine.
(b) The larva of any one of various species of
lepidopterous insects, especially of the clearwing
moths, as the peach-tree borer (see under Peach),
and of the goat moths.
(c) The larva of various species of hymenopterous of the
tribe Urocerata. See Tremex.
(d) Any one of several bivalve shells which bore in wood,
as the teredos, and species of Xylophaga.
(e) Any one of several species of small Crustacea, as the
Limnoria, and the boring amphipod ({Chelura

Wood carpet, a kind of floor covering made of thin pieces
of wood secured to a flexible backing, as of cloth.

Wood cell (Bot.), a slender cylindrical or prismatic cell
usually tapering to a point at both ends. It is the
principal constituent of woody fiber.

Wood choir, the choir, or chorus, of birds in the woods.
[Poetic] --Coleridge.

Wood coal, charcoal; also, lignite, or brown coal.

Wood cricket (Zool.), a small European cricket ({Nemobius

Wood culver (Zool.), the wood pigeon.

Wood cut, an engraving on wood; also, a print from such an

Wood dove (Zool.), the stockdove.

Wood drink, a decoction or infusion of medicinal woods.

Wood duck (Zool.)
(a) A very beautiful American duck (Aix sponsa). The
male has a large crest, and its plumage is varied with
green, purple, black, white, and red. It builds its
nest in trees, whence the name. Called also {bridal
duck}, summer duck, and wood widgeon.
(b) The hooded merganser.
(c) The Australian maned goose (Chlamydochen jubata).

Wood echo, an echo from the wood.

Wood engraver.
(a) An engraver on wood.
(b) (Zool.) Any of several species of small beetles whose
larvae bore beneath the bark of trees, and excavate
furrows in the wood often more or less resembling
coarse engravings; especially, {Xyleborus

Wood engraving.
(a) The act or art engraving on wood; xylography.
(b) An engraving on wood; a wood cut; also, a print from
such an engraving.

Wood fern. (Bot.) See Shield fern, under Shield.

Wood fiber.
(a) (Bot.) Fibrovascular tissue.
(b) Wood comminuted, and reduced to a powdery or dusty

Wood fretter (Zool.), any one of numerous species of
beetles whose larvae bore in the wood, or beneath the
bark, of trees.

Wood frog (Zool.), a common North American frog ({Rana
sylvatica}) which lives chiefly in the woods, except
during the breeding season. It is drab or yellowish brown,
with a black stripe on each side of the head.

Wood germander. (Bot.) See under Germander.

Wood god, a fabled sylvan deity.

Wood grass. (Bot.) See under Grass.

Wood grouse. (Zool.)
(a) The capercailzie.
(b) The spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood guest (Zool.), the ringdove. [Prov. Eng.]

Wood hen. (Zool.)
(a) Any one of several species of Old World short-winged
rails of the genus Ocydromus, including the weka and
allied species.
(b) The American woodcock.

Wood hoopoe (Zool.), any one of several species of Old
World arboreal birds belonging to Irrisor and allied
genera. They are closely allied to the common hoopoe, but
have a curved beak, and a longer tail.

Wood ibis (Zool.), any one of several species of large,
long-legged, wading birds belonging to the genus
Tantalus. The head and neck are naked or scantily
covered with feathers. The American wood ibis ({Tantalus
loculator}) is common in Florida.

Wood lark (Zool.), a small European lark ({Alauda
arborea}), which, like, the skylark, utters its notes
while on the wing. So called from its habit of perching on

Wood laurel (Bot.), a European evergreen shrub ({Daphne

Wood leopard (Zool.), a European spotted moth ({Zeuzera
aesculi}) allied to the goat moth. Its large fleshy larva
bores in the wood of the apple, pear, and other fruit

Wood lily (Bot.), the lily of the valley.

Wood lock (Naut.), a piece of wood close fitted and
sheathed with copper, in the throating or score of the
pintle, to keep the rudder from rising.

Wood louse (Zool.)
(a) Any one of numerous species of terrestrial isopod
Crustacea belonging to Oniscus, Armadillo, and
related genera. See Sow bug, under Sow, and {Pill
bug}, under Pill.
(b) Any one of several species of small, wingless,
pseudoneuropterous insects of the family Psocidae,
which live in the crevices of walls and among old
books and papers. Some of the species are called also
book lice, and deathticks, or deathwatches.

Wood mite (Zool.), any one of numerous small mites of the
family Oribatidae. They are found chiefly in woods, on
tree trunks and stones.

Wood mote. (Eng. Law)
(a) Formerly, the forest court.
(b) The court of attachment.

Wood nettle. (Bot.) See under Nettle.

Wood nightshade (Bot.), woody nightshade.

Wood nut (Bot.), the filbert.

Wood nymph. (a) A nymph inhabiting the woods; a fabled
goddess of the woods; a dryad. "The wood nymphs, decked
with daisies trim." --Milton.
(b) (Zool.) Any one of several species of handsomely
colored moths belonging to the genus Eudryas. The
larvae are bright-colored, and some of the species, as
Eudryas grata, and Eudryas unio, feed on the
leaves of the grapevine.
(c) (Zool.) Any one of several species of handsomely
colored South American humming birds belonging to the
genus Thalurania. The males are bright blue, or
green and blue.

Wood offering, wood burnt on the altar.
[1913 Webster]

We cast the lots . . . for the wood offering. --Neh.
x. 34.
[1913 Webster]

Wood oil (Bot.), a resinous oil obtained from several East
Indian trees of the genus Dipterocarpus, having
properties similar to those of copaiba, and sometimes
substituted for it. It is also used for mixing paint. See

Wood opal (Min.), a striped variety of coarse opal, having
some resemblance to wood.

Wood paper, paper made of wood pulp. See Wood pulp,

Wood pewee (Zool.), a North American tyrant flycatcher
(Contopus virens). It closely resembles the pewee, but
is smaller.

Wood pie (Zool.), any black and white woodpecker,
especially the European great spotted woodpecker.

Wood pigeon. (Zool.)
(a) Any one of numerous species of Old World pigeons
belonging to Palumbus and allied genera of the
family Columbidae.
(b) The ringdove.

Wood puceron (Zool.), a plant louse.

Wood pulp (Technol.), vegetable fiber obtained from the
poplar and other white woods, and so softened by digestion
with a hot solution of alkali that it can be formed into
sheet paper, etc. It is now produced on an immense scale.

Wood quail (Zool.), any one of several species of East
Indian crested quails belonging to Rollulus and allied
genera, as the red-crested wood quail ({Rollulus
roulroul}), the male of which is bright green, with a long
crest of red hairlike feathers.

Wood rabbit (Zool.), the cottontail.

Wood rat (Zool.), any one of several species of American
wild rats of the genus Neotoma found in the Southern
United States; -- called also bush rat. The Florida wood
rat (Neotoma Floridana) is the best-known species.

Wood reed grass (Bot.), a tall grass (Cinna arundinacea)
growing in moist woods.

Wood reeve, the steward or overseer of a wood. [Eng.]

Wood rush (Bot.), any plant of the genus Luzula,
differing from the true rushes of the genus Juncus
chiefly in having very few seeds in each capsule.

Wood sage (Bot.), a name given to several labiate plants of
the genus Teucrium. See Germander.

Wood screw, a metal screw formed with a sharp thread, and
usually with a slotted head, for insertion in wood.

Wood sheldrake (Zool.), the hooded merganser.

Wood shock (Zool.), the fisher. See Fisher, 2.

Wood shrike (Zool.), any one of numerous species of Old
World singing birds belonging to Grallina,
Collyricincla, Prionops, and allied genera, common in
India and Australia. They are allied to the true shrikes,
but feed upon both insects and berries.

Wood snipe. (Zool.)
(a) The American woodcock.
(b) An Asiatic snipe (Gallinago nemoricola).

Wood soot, soot from burnt wood.

Wood sore. (Zool.) See Cuckoo spit, under Cuckoo.

Wood sorrel (Bot.), a plant of the genus Oxalis ({Oxalis
Acetosella}), having an acid taste. See Illust. (a) of

Wood spirit. (Chem.) See Methyl alcohol, under Methyl.

Wood stamp, a carved or engraved block or stamp of wood,
for impressing figures or colors on fabrics.

Wood star (Zool.), any one of several species of small
South American humming birds belonging to the genus
Calothorax. The male has a brilliant gorget of blue,
purple, and other colors.

Wood sucker (Zool.), the yaffle.

Wood swallow (Zool.), any one of numerous species of Old
World passerine birds belonging to the genus Artamus and
allied genera of the family Artamidae. They are common
in the East Indies, Asia, and Australia. In form and
habits they resemble swallows, but in structure they
resemble shrikes. They are usually black above and white

Wood tapper (Zool.), any woodpecker.

Wood tar. See under Tar.

Wood thrush, (Zool.)
(a) An American thrush (Turdus mustelinus) noted for the
sweetness of its song. See under Thrush.
(b) The missel thrush.

Wood tick. See in Vocabulary.

Wood tin. (Min.). See Cassiterite.

Wood titmouse (Zool.), the goldcgest.

Wood tortoise (Zool.), the sculptured tortoise. See under

Wood vine (Bot.), the white bryony.

Wood vinegar. See Wood acid, above.

Wood warbler. (Zool.)
(a) Any one of numerous species of American warblers of
the genus Dendroica. See Warbler.
(b) A European warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix); --
called also green wren, wood wren, and {yellow

Wood worm (Zool.), a larva that bores in wood; a wood

Wood wren. (Zool.)
(a) The wood warbler.
(b) The willow warbler.
[1913 Webster]
Daphne Mezereum
Mezereon \Me*ze"re*on\, n. [F. m['e]z['e]r['e]on, Per.
m[=a]zriy[=u]n.] (Bot.)
A small European shrub (Daphne Mezereum), whose acrid bark
is used in medicine.
[1913 Webster]Umbelliferone \Um`bel*lif"er*one\, n. (Chem.)
A tasteless white crystalline substance, C9H6O3, found in
the bark of a certain plant (Daphne Mezereum), and also
obtained by the distillation of certain gums from the
Umbelliferae, as galbanum, asafetida, etc. It is analogous
to coumarin. Called also hydroxy-coumarin. Its strong
fluorescence under ultraviolet light makes it useful in
analytical biochemistry, as, for example, to detect
phosphatase activity by hydrolysis of umbelliferyl phosphate.
[1913 Webster +PJC]Daphnin \Daph"nin\, n. [Cf. F. daphnine.] (Chem.)
(a) A dark green bitter resin extracted from the mezereon
(Daphne mezereum) and regarded as the essential
principle of the plant. [R.]
(b) A white, crystalline, bitter substance, regarded as a
glucoside, and extracted from Daphne mezereum and
Daphne alpina.
[1913 Webster]
Daphne mezereum
Mezereon \Me*ze"re*on\, n. [F. m['e]z['e]r['e]on, Per.
m[=a]zriy[=u]n.] (Bot.)
A small European shrub (Daphne Mezereum), whose acrid bark
is used in medicine.
[1913 Webster]Umbelliferone \Um`bel*lif"er*one\, n. (Chem.)
A tasteless white crystalline substance, C9H6O3, found in
the bark of a certain plant (Daphne Mezereum), and also
obtained by the distillation of certain gums from the
Umbelliferae, as galbanum, asafetida, etc. It is analogous
to coumarin. Called also hydroxy-coumarin. Its strong
fluorescence under ultraviolet light makes it useful in
analytical biochemistry, as, for example, to detect
phosphatase activity by hydrolysis of umbelliferyl phosphate.
[1913 Webster +PJC]Daphnin \Daph"nin\, n. [Cf. F. daphnine.] (Chem.)
(a) A dark green bitter resin extracted from the mezereon
(Daphne mezereum) and regarded as the essential
principle of the plant. [R.]
(b) A white, crystalline, bitter substance, regarded as a
glucoside, and extracted from Daphne mezereum and
Daphne alpina.
[1913 Webster]
Daphne oleoides
Spurge \Spurge\, n. [OF. espurge, F. ['e]purge, from OF.
espurgier to purge, L. expurgare. See Expurgate, Purge.]
Any plant of the genus Euphorbia. See Euphorbia.
[1913 Webster]

Spurge flax, an evergreen shrub (Daphne Gnidium) with
crowded narrow leaves. It is a native of Southern Europe.

Spurge laurel, a European shrub (Daphne Laureola) with
oblong evergreen leaves.

Spurge nettle. See under Nettle.

Spurge olive, an evergreen shrub (Daphne oleoides) found
in the Mediterranean region.
[1913 Webster]
Daphnetin \Daph"ne*tin\, n. (Chem.)
A colorless crystalline substance, C9H6O4, extracted from
[1913 Webster]
Oreodaphne Leucoxylon
Sweetwood \Sweet"wood`\, n. (Bot.)
(a) The true laurel (Laurus nobilis.)
(b) The timber of the tree Oreodaphne Leucoxylon, growing
in Jamaica. The name is also applied to the timber of
several other related trees.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: one species: leatherleaf [syn: Chamaedaphne, {genus
chamaedaphne calyculata
Chamaedaphne calyculata
n 1: north temperate bog shrub with evergreen leathery leaves
and small white cylindrical flowers [syn: leatherleaf,
Chamaedaphne calyculata]
dame daphne du maurier
Dame Daphne du Maurier
n 1: English writer of melodramatic novels (1907-1989) [syn: {du
Maurier}, Daphne du Maurier, Dame Daphne du Maurier]
n 1: any of several ornamental shrubs with shiny mostly
evergreen leaves and clusters of small bell-shaped flowers
2: (Greek mythology) a nymph who was transformed into a laurel
tree to escape the amorous Apollo
daphne cneorum
Daphne cneorum
n 1: widely cultivated low evergreen shrub with dense clusters
of fragrant pink to deep rose flowers [syn: {garland
flower}, Daphne cneorum]
daphne du maurier
Daphne du Maurier
n 1: English writer of melodramatic novels (1907-1989) [syn: {du
Maurier}, Daphne du Maurier, Dame Daphne du Maurier]
daphne family
daphne family
n 1: family of trees and shrubs and herbs having tough bark that
are found especially in Australia and tropical Africa [syn:
Thymelaeaceae, family Thymelaeaceae, daphne family]
daphne laureola
Daphne laureola
n 1: bushy Eurasian shrub with glossy leathery oblong leaves and
yellow-green flowers [syn: spurge laurel, wood laurel,
Daphne laureola]
daphne mezereum
Daphne mezereum
n 1: small European deciduous shrub with fragrant lilac-colored
flowers followed by red berries on highly toxic twigs [syn:
mezereon, February daphne, Daphne mezereum]
february daphne
February daphne
n 1: small European deciduous shrub with fragrant lilac-colored
flowers followed by red berries on highly toxic twigs [syn:
mezereon, February daphne, Daphne mezereum]
genus chamaedaphne
genus Chamaedaphne
n 1: one species: leatherleaf [syn: Chamaedaphne, {genus
genus daphne
genus Daphne
n 1: usually evergreen Eurasian shrubs
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