dartmouth basic
Dartmouth BASIC

The original BASIC language, designed by John
G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz at Dartmouth College in 1963.
Dartmouth BASIC first ran on a GE 235 [date?] and on an {IBM
704} on 1964-05-01. It was designed for quick and easy
programming by students and beginners using Dartmouth's
experimental time-sharing system. Unlike most later BASIC
dialects, Dartmouth BASIC was compiled.

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dartmouth basic
Dartmouth BASIC

The original BASIC language, designed by John
G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz at Dartmouth College in 1963.
Dartmouth BASIC first ran on a GE 235 [date?] and on an {IBM
704} on 1964-05-01. It was designed for quick and easy
programming by students and beginners using Dartmouth's
experimental time-sharing system. Unlike most later BASIC
dialects, Dartmouth BASIC was compiled.


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