depth-first search
depth-first search

A graph search algorithm which extends the
current path as far as possible before backtracking to the
last choice point and trying the next alternative path.
Depth-first search may fail to find a solution if it enters a
cycle in the graph. This can be avoided if we never extend a
path to a node which it already contains.

Opposite of breadth first search. See also {iterative

podobné slovodefinícia
depth-first search
depth-first search

A graph search algorithm which extends the
current path as far as possible before backtracking to the
last choice point and trying the next alternative path.
Depth-first search may fail to find a solution if it enters a
cycle in the graph. This can be avoided if we never extend a
path to a node which it already contains.

Opposite of breadth first search. See also {iterative


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