digital control system
Digital Control System

(DCS) A digital computer used for real-time control
of a dynamic system, usually in an industrial environment,
possibly as part of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) system.

A DCS samples feedback from the system under control and
modifies the control signals in an attempt to achieve some
desired behaviour.

Analysis of such digital-analogue feedback systems can involve
mathematical methods such as difference equations, {Laplace
transforms}, z transfer functions, state space models and
state transition matrices.

podobné slovodefinícia
digital control system
Digital Control System

(DCS) A digital computer used for real-time control
of a dynamic system, usually in an industrial environment,
possibly as part of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) system.

A DCS samples feedback from the system under control and
modifies the control signals in an attempt to achieve some
desired behaviour.

Analysis of such digital-analogue feedback systems can involve
mathematical methods such as difference equations, {Laplace
transforms}, z transfer functions, state space models and
state transition matrices.


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