Dispauper \Dis*pau"per\, v. t.
To deprive of the claim of a pauper to public support; to
deprive of the privilege of suing in forma pauperis.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Dispauperize \Dis*pau"per*ize\, v. t.
To free a state of pauperism, or from paupers. --J. S. Mill.
[1913 Webster]
TO DISPAUPER, Eng. law. To deprive a person of the privilege of suing in
forma pauperis. (q.v.)
2. When a person has been admitted to sue in forma pauperis, and,
before the suit is ended, it appears that the party. has become the owner of
a sufficient estate real or personal, or has been guilty of some wrong, he
may be dispaupered.

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