Disseizin \Dis*sei"zin\, n. [OF. dessaisine.] (Law)
The act of disseizing; an unlawful dispossessing and ouster
of a person actually seized of the freehold. [Written also
disseisin.] --Blackstone.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Disseize \Dis*seize"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Disseized; p. pr. &
vb. n. Disseizing.] [Pref. dis- + seize: cf. F. dessaisir.]
To deprive of seizin or possession; to dispossess or oust
wrongfully (one in freehold possession of land); -- followed
by of; as, to disseize a tenant of his freehold. [Written
also disseise.]
[1913 Webster]

Which savage beasts strive as eagerly to keep and hold
those golden mines, as the Arimaspians to disseize them
thereof. --Holland.
[1913 Webster]
Post-disseizin \Post"-dis*sei"zin\, n. [Pref. post- +
disseizin.] (O. Eng. Law)
A subsequent disseizin committed by one of lands which the
disseizee had before recovered of the same disseizor; a writ
founded on such subsequent disseizin, now abolished.
--Burrill. Tomlins.
[1913 Webster]
Redisseizin \Re`dis*sei"zin\ (-s?"z?n), n. (Law)
A disseizin by one who once before was adjudged to have
dassezed the same person of the same lands, etc.; also, a
writ which lay in such a case. --Blackstone.
[1913 Webster]

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