Dogwood \Dog"wood`\ (-w[oo^]d`), n. [So named from skewers
(dags) being made of it. --Dr. Prior. See Dag, and
Dagger.] (Bot.)
The Cornus, a genus of large shrubs or small trees, the
wood of which is exceedingly hard, and serviceable for many
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are several species, one of which, {Cornus
mascula}, called also cornelian cherry, bears a red
acid berry. Cornus florida is the flowering dogwood,
a small American tree with very showy blossoms.
[1913 Webster]

Dogwood tree.
(a) The dogwood or Cornus.
(b) A papilionaceous tree (Piscidia erythrina) growing in
Jamaica. It has narcotic properties; -- called also
Jamaica dogwood.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a tree of shrub of the genus Cornus often having showy
bracts resembling flowers [syn: dogwood, dogwood tree,
2: hard tough wood of any dogwood of the genus Cornus; resembles
podobné slovodefinícia
common european dogwood
common European dogwood, n:
common white dogwood
common white dogwood, n:
dogwood family
dogwood family, n:
dogwood tree
dogwood tree, n:
eastern flowering dogwood
eastern flowering dogwood, n:
false dogwood
false dogwood, n:
poison dogwood
poison dogwood, n:
red dogwood
red dogwood, n:
red osier dogwood
red osier dogwood, n:
silky dogwood
silky dogwood, n:
striped dogwood
striped dogwood, n:
dogwood poison bush
Poison bush \Poison bush\ In Australia:
(a) Any fabaceous shrub of the genus Gastrolobium, the
herbage of which is poisonous to stock; also, any
species of several related genera, as Oxylobium,
Gompholobium, etc.
(b) The plant Myoporum deserti, often distinguished as
Ellangowan poison bush or dogwood poison bush.
(c) The ulmaceous plant Trema cannabina, which, though
not poisonous, is injurious to stock because of its
large amount of fiber.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Dogwood tree
Dogwood \Dog"wood`\ (-w[oo^]d`), n. [So named from skewers
(dags) being made of it. --Dr. Prior. See Dag, and
Dagger.] (Bot.)
The Cornus, a genus of large shrubs or small trees, the
wood of which is exceedingly hard, and serviceable for many
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are several species, one of which, {Cornus
mascula}, called also cornelian cherry, bears a red
acid berry. Cornus florida is the flowering dogwood,
a small American tree with very showy blossoms.
[1913 Webster]

Dogwood tree.
(a) The dogwood or Cornus.
(b) A papilionaceous tree (Piscidia erythrina) growing in
Jamaica. It has narcotic properties; -- called also
Jamaica dogwood.
[1913 Webster]
Jamaica dogwood
Dogwood \Dog"wood`\ (-w[oo^]d`), n. [So named from skewers
(dags) being made of it. --Dr. Prior. See Dag, and
Dagger.] (Bot.)
The Cornus, a genus of large shrubs or small trees, the
wood of which is exceedingly hard, and serviceable for many
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are several species, one of which, {Cornus
mascula}, called also cornelian cherry, bears a red
acid berry. Cornus florida is the flowering dogwood,
a small American tree with very showy blossoms.
[1913 Webster]

Dogwood tree.
(a) The dogwood or Cornus.
(b) A papilionaceous tree (Piscidia erythrina) growing in
Jamaica. It has narcotic properties; -- called also
Jamaica dogwood.
[1913 Webster]
Poison dogwood
Poison \Poi"son\, n. [F. poison, in Old French also, a potion,
fr. L. potio a drink, draught, potion, a poisonous draught,
fr. potare to drink. See Potable, and cf. Potion.]
1. Any agent which, when introduced into the animal organism,
is capable of producing a morbid, noxious, or deadly
effect upon it; as, morphine is a deadly poison; the
poison of pestilential diseases.
[1913 Webster]

2. That which taints or destroys moral purity or health; as,
the poison of evil example; the poison of sin.
[1913 Webster]

Poison ash. (Bot.)
(a) A tree of the genus Amyris (Amyris balsamifera)
found in the West Indies, from the trunk of which a
black liquor distills, supposed to have poisonous
(b) The poison sumac (Rhus venenata). [U. S.]

Poison dogwood (Bot.), poison sumac.

Poison fang (Zool.), one of the superior maxillary teeth of
some species of serpents, which, besides having the cavity
for the pulp, is either perforated or grooved by a
longitudinal canal, at the lower end of which the duct of
the poison gland terminates. See Illust. under Fang.

Poison gland (Biol.), a gland, in animals or plants, which
secretes an acrid or venomous matter, that is conveyed
along an organ capable of inflicting a wound.

Poison hemlock (Bot.), a poisonous umbelliferous plant
(Conium maculatum). See Hemlock.

Poison ivy (Bot.), a poisonous climbing plant (formerly
Rhus Toxicodendron, or Rhus radicans, now classified
as Toxicodendron radicans) of North America. It is
common as a climbing vine, especially found on tree
trunks, or walls, or as a low, spreading vine or as a
shrub. As a low vine it grows well in lightly shaded
areas, recognizable by growing in clusters of three
leaves. Its leaves are trifoliate, rhombic-ovate, and
variously notched. Its form varies slightly from location
to location, leading to some speculation that it may
consist of more than one species. Many people are poisoned
by it, though some appear resistant to its effects.
Touching the leaves may leave a residue of an oil on the
skin, and if not washed off quickly, sensitive areas of
skin become reddened and develop multiple small blisters,
lasting for several days to several weeks, and causing a
persistent itch. The toxic reaction is due to an oil,
present in all parts of the plant except the pollen,
called urushiol, the active component of which is the
compound pentadecylacatechol (according to [a

H. Booras). See Poison sumac. It is related to {poison
oak}, and is also called mercury.

Poison nut. (Bot.)
(a) Nux vomica.
(b) The tree which yields this seed ({Strychnos
Nuxvomica}). It is found on the Malabar and Coromandel

Poison oak (Bot.), a dermatitis-producing plant often
lumped together with the poison ivy ({Toxicodendron
radicans}) in common terminology, but more properly
distinguished as the more shrubby {Toxicodendron
quercifolium} (syn. Toxicodendron diversilobum), common
in California and Oregon. Opinion varies as to whether the
poison oak and poison ivy are only variants of a single
species. See poison ivy, above.

Poison sac. (Zool.) Same as Poison gland, above. See
Illust. under Fang.

Poison sumac (Bot.), a poisonous shrub formerly considered
to be of the genus Rhus (Rhus venenata), but now
classified as Toxicodendron vernix; -- also called
poison ash, poison dogwood, and poison elder. It has
pinnate leaves on graceful and slender common petioles,
and usually grows in swampy places. Both this plant and
the poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans, formerly {Rhus
Toxicodendron}) have clusters of smooth greenish white
berries, while the red-fruited species of this genus are
harmless. The tree (Rhus vernicifera) which yields the
celebrated Japan lacquer is almost identical with the
poison sumac, and is also very poisonous. The juice of the
poison sumac also forms a lacquer similar to that of
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Syn: Venom; virus; bane; pest; malignity.

Usage: Poison, Venom. Poison usually denotes something
received into the system by the mouth, breath, etc.
Venom is something discharged from animals and
received by means of a wound, as by the bite or sting
of serpents, scorpions, etc. Hence, venom specifically
implies some malignity of nature or purpose.
[1913 Webster]
poison dogwood
Poison \Poi"son\, n. [F. poison, in Old French also, a potion,
fr. L. potio a drink, draught, potion, a poisonous draught,
fr. potare to drink. See Potable, and cf. Potion.]
1. Any agent which, when introduced into the animal organism,
is capable of producing a morbid, noxious, or deadly
effect upon it; as, morphine is a deadly poison; the
poison of pestilential diseases.
[1913 Webster]

2. That which taints or destroys moral purity or health; as,
the poison of evil example; the poison of sin.
[1913 Webster]

Poison ash. (Bot.)
(a) A tree of the genus Amyris (Amyris balsamifera)
found in the West Indies, from the trunk of which a
black liquor distills, supposed to have poisonous
(b) The poison sumac (Rhus venenata). [U. S.]

Poison dogwood (Bot.), poison sumac.

Poison fang (Zool.), one of the superior maxillary teeth of
some species of serpents, which, besides having the cavity
for the pulp, is either perforated or grooved by a
longitudinal canal, at the lower end of which the duct of
the poison gland terminates. See Illust. under Fang.

Poison gland (Biol.), a gland, in animals or plants, which
secretes an acrid or venomous matter, that is conveyed
along an organ capable of inflicting a wound.

Poison hemlock (Bot.), a poisonous umbelliferous plant
(Conium maculatum). See Hemlock.

Poison ivy (Bot.), a poisonous climbing plant (formerly
Rhus Toxicodendron, or Rhus radicans, now classified
as Toxicodendron radicans) of North America. It is
common as a climbing vine, especially found on tree
trunks, or walls, or as a low, spreading vine or as a
shrub. As a low vine it grows well in lightly shaded
areas, recognizable by growing in clusters of three
leaves. Its leaves are trifoliate, rhombic-ovate, and
variously notched. Its form varies slightly from location
to location, leading to some speculation that it may
consist of more than one species. Many people are poisoned
by it, though some appear resistant to its effects.
Touching the leaves may leave a residue of an oil on the
skin, and if not washed off quickly, sensitive areas of
skin become reddened and develop multiple small blisters,
lasting for several days to several weeks, and causing a
persistent itch. The toxic reaction is due to an oil,
present in all parts of the plant except the pollen,
called urushiol, the active component of which is the
compound pentadecylacatechol (according to [a

H. Booras). See Poison sumac. It is related to {poison
oak}, and is also called mercury.

Poison nut. (Bot.)
(a) Nux vomica.
(b) The tree which yields this seed ({Strychnos
Nuxvomica}). It is found on the Malabar and Coromandel

Poison oak (Bot.), a dermatitis-producing plant often
lumped together with the poison ivy ({Toxicodendron
radicans}) in common terminology, but more properly
distinguished as the more shrubby {Toxicodendron
quercifolium} (syn. Toxicodendron diversilobum), common
in California and Oregon. Opinion varies as to whether the
poison oak and poison ivy are only variants of a single
species. See poison ivy, above.

Poison sac. (Zool.) Same as Poison gland, above. See
Illust. under Fang.

Poison sumac (Bot.), a poisonous shrub formerly considered
to be of the genus Rhus (Rhus venenata), but now
classified as Toxicodendron vernix; -- also called
poison ash, poison dogwood, and poison elder. It has
pinnate leaves on graceful and slender common petioles,
and usually grows in swampy places. Both this plant and
the poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans, formerly {Rhus
Toxicodendron}) have clusters of smooth greenish white
berries, while the red-fruited species of this genus are
harmless. The tree (Rhus vernicifera) which yields the
celebrated Japan lacquer is almost identical with the
poison sumac, and is also very poisonous. The juice of the
poison sumac also forms a lacquer similar to that of
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Syn: Venom; virus; bane; pest; malignity.

Usage: Poison, Venom. Poison usually denotes something
received into the system by the mouth, breath, etc.
Venom is something discharged from animals and
received by means of a wound, as by the bite or sting
of serpents, scorpions, etc. Hence, venom specifically
implies some malignity of nature or purpose.
[1913 Webster]
striped dogwood
Striped \Striped\, a.
Having stripes of different colors; streaked.
[1913 Webster]

Striped bass. (Zool.) See under Bass.

Striped maple (Bot.), a slender American tree ({Acer
Pennsylvanicum}) with finely striped bark. Called also
striped dogwood, and moosewood.

Striped mullet. (Zool.) See under Mullet, 2.

Striped snake (Zool.), the garter snake.

Striped squirrel (Zool.), the chipmunk.
[1913 Webster]
alder dogwood
alder dogwood
n 1: small tree common in Europe [syn: alder buckthorn, {alder
dogwood}, Rhamnus frangula]
american dogwood
American dogwood
n 1: common North American shrub with reddish purple twigs and
white flowers [syn: red osier, red osier dogwood, {red
dogwood}, American dogwood, redbrush, {Cornus
common european dogwood
common European dogwood
n 1: European deciduous shrub turning red in autumn having dull
white flowers [syn: common European dogwood, {red
dogwood}, blood-twig, pedwood, Cornus sanguinea]
common white dogwood
common white dogwood
n 1: deciduous tree; celebrated for its large white or pink
bracts and stunning autumn color that is followed by red
berries [syn: common white dogwood, {eastern flowering
dogwood}, Cornus florida]
n 1: a tree of shrub of the genus Cornus often having showy
bracts resembling flowers [syn: dogwood, dogwood tree,
2: hard tough wood of any dogwood of the genus Cornus; resembles
dogwood family
dogwood family
n 1: a rosid dicot family of the order Umbellales including:
genera Aucuba, Cornus, Corokia, Curtisia, Griselinia,
Helwingia [syn: Cornaceae, family Cornaceae, {dogwood
dogwood tree
dogwood tree
n 1: a tree of shrub of the genus Cornus often having showy
bracts resembling flowers [syn: dogwood, dogwood tree,
eastern flowering dogwood
eastern flowering dogwood
n 1: deciduous tree; celebrated for its large white or pink
bracts and stunning autumn color that is followed by red
berries [syn: common white dogwood, {eastern flowering
dogwood}, Cornus florida]
false dogwood
false dogwood
n 1: evergreen of tropical America having pulpy fruit containing
saponin which was used as soap by Native Americans [syn:
China tree, false dogwood, jaboncillo, chinaberry,
Sapindus saponaria]
jamaica dogwood
Jamaica dogwood
n 1: small tree of West Indies and Florida having large odd-
pinnate leaves and panicles of red-striped purple to white
flowers followed by decorative curly winged seedpods;
yields fish poisons [syn: Jamaica dogwood, fish fuddle,
Piscidia piscipula, Piscidia erythrina]
poison dogwood
poison dogwood
n 1: smooth American swamp shrub with pinnate leaves and
greenish flowers followed by greenish white berries; yields
an irritating oil [syn: poison ash, poison dogwood,
poison sumac, Toxicodendron vernix, Rhus vernix]
red dogwood
red dogwood
n 1: European deciduous shrub turning red in autumn having dull
white flowers [syn: common European dogwood, {red
dogwood}, blood-twig, pedwood, Cornus sanguinea]
2: common North American shrub with reddish purple twigs and
white flowers [syn: red osier, red osier dogwood, {red
dogwood}, American dogwood, redbrush, {Cornus
red osier dogwood
red osier dogwood
n 1: common North American shrub with reddish purple twigs and
white flowers [syn: red osier, red osier dogwood, {red
dogwood}, American dogwood, redbrush, {Cornus
silky dogwood
silky dogwood
n 1: shrub of eastern North America having purplish stems and
blue fruit [syn: silky cornel, silky dogwood, {Cornus
2: shrub of eastern North America closely resembling silky
cornel [syn: silky dogwood, Cornus obliqua]
striped dogwood
striped dogwood
n 1: maple of eastern North America with striped bark and large
two-lobed leaves clear yellow in autumn [syn: moosewood,
moose-wood, striped maple, striped dogwood,
goosefoot maple, Acer pennsylvanicum]

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