duffle, n:
Duffel \Duf"fel\, n. [D. duffel, from Duffel, a town not far
from Antwerp.]
1. A kind of coarse woolen cloth, having a thick nap or
frieze. [Written also duffle.]
[1913 Webster]

Good duffel gray and flannel fine. -- Wordsworth.
[1913 Webster]

2. Outfit or suppplies, collectively; kit. [Colloq., U. S.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Duffle \Duf"fle\, n.
See Duffel.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth; for carrying
personal belongings [syn: duffel bag, duffle bag,
duffel, duffle]
2: a coarse heavy woolen fabric [syn: duffel, duffle]
podobné slovodefinícia
duffle bag
duffle bag
- vrece
duffle, n:
duffle bag
duffle bag,pytel Zdeněk Brož
duffle coat
duffle coat, n:
Duffel \Duf"fel\, n. [D. duffel, from Duffel, a town not far
from Antwerp.]
1. A kind of coarse woolen cloth, having a thick nap or
frieze. [Written also duffle.]
[1913 Webster]

Good duffel gray and flannel fine. -- Wordsworth.
[1913 Webster]

2. Outfit or suppplies, collectively; kit. [Colloq., U. S.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]Duffle \Duf"fle\, n.
See Duffel.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth; for carrying
personal belongings [syn: duffel bag, duffle bag,
duffel, duffle]
2: a coarse heavy woolen fabric [syn: duffel, duffle]
duffle bag
duffle bag
n 1: a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth; for carrying
personal belongings [syn: duffel bag, duffle bag,
duffel, duffle]
duffle coat
duffle coat
n 1: a warm coat made of duffel; usually has a hood and fastens
with toggles [syn: duffel coat, duffle coat]

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