ELOPEMENT. This term is used to denote the departure of a married woman from
her husband, and dwelling with an adulterer.
2. While the wife resides with her husband, and cohabits with him,
however exceptionable her conduct may be, yet he is bound to provide her
with necessaries, and to pay for them; but when she elopes, the husband is
no longer liable for her alimony, and is not bound to pay debts of her
contracting when the separation is notorious; and whoever gives her credit
under these circumstances, does so at his peril. Chit. Contr. 49; 4 Esp. R.
42; 3 Pick. R. 289; 1 Str. R. 647, 706; 6 T. R. 603; 11 John. R. 281; 12
John. R. 293; Bull. N. P. 135; Stark. Ev. part 4, p. 699.

podobné slovodefinícia
elopement,dobrovolný únos n: Zdeněk Broželopement,opuštění manžela n: Zdeněk Brož
Development \De*vel"op*ment\, n. [Cf. F. d['e]veloppement.]
[Written also developement.]
1. The act of developing or disclosing that which is unknown;
a gradual unfolding process by which anything is
developed, as a plan or method, or an image upon a
photographic plate; gradual advancement or growth through
a series of progressive changes; also, the result of
developing, or a developed state.
[1913 Webster]

A new development of imagination, taste, and poetry.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.) The series of changes which animal and vegetable
organisms undergo in their passage from the embryonic
state to maturity, from a lower to a higher state of
[1913 Webster]

3. (Math.)
(a) The act or process of changing or expanding an
expression into another of equivalent value or
(b) The equivalent expression into which another has been
[1913 Webster]

4. (Mus.) The elaboration of a theme or subject; the
unfolding of a musical idea; the evolution of a whole
piece or movement from a leading theme or motive.
[1913 Webster]

5. A tract of land on which a number of buildings have been
constructed; -- especially used for tract on which from
two to hundreds of houses have been constructed by a
commercial developer[4] for sale to individuals.

Development theory (Biol.), the doctrine that animals and
plants possess the power of passing by slow and successive
stages from a lower to a higher state of organization, and
that all the higher forms of life now in existence were
thus developed by uniform laws from lower forms, and are
not the result of special creative acts. See the Note
under Darwinian.

Syn: Unfolding; disclosure; unraveling; evolution;
elaboration; growth.
[1913 Webster]
Elopement \E*lope"ment\, n.
The act of eloping; secret departure; -- said of a woman and
a man, one or both, who run away from their homes for
marriage or for cohabitation.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the act of running away with a lover (usually to get

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