slovo | definícia |
en passant (encz) | en passant, adv: |
En passant (gcide) | En passant \En` pas`sant"\ [F.]
In passing; in the course of any procedure; -- said specif.
(Chess), of the taking of an adverse pawn which makes a first
move of two squares by a pawn already so advanced as to
threaten the first of these squares. The pawn which takes en
passant is advanced to the threatened square.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.] |
en passant (wn) | en passant
adv 1: incidentally; in the course of doing something else; "he
made this remark in passing" [syn: in passing, {en
n 1: (chess) a chess pawn that is moved two squares can be
captured by an opponent's pawn commanding the square that
was passed |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
en passant (encz) | en passant, adv: |
en passant (wn) | en passant
adv 1: incidentally; in the course of doing something else; "he
made this remark in passing" [syn: in passing, {en
n 1: (chess) a chess pawn that is moved two squares can be
captured by an opponent's pawn commanding the square that
was passed |
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