Cuneiform \Cu*ne"i*form\, Cuniform \Cu"ni*form\, n.
1. The wedge-shaped characters used in ancient Persian and
Assyrian inscriptions. --I. Taylor (The Alphabet).
[1913 Webster]

2. (Anat.)
(a) One of the three tarsal bones supporting the first,
second third metatarsals. They are usually designated
as external, middle, and internal, or ectocuniform,
mesocuniform, and entocuniform, respectively.
(b) One of the carpal bones usually articulating with the
ulna; -- called also pyramidal and ulnare.
[1913 Webster]
Entocuneiform \En`to*cu*ne"i*form\, Entocuniform
\En`to*cu"ni*form\, n. [Ento- + cuneiform, cuniform.] (Anat.)
One of the bones of the tarsus. See Cuneiform.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Cuneiform \Cu*ne"i*form\, Cuniform \Cu"ni*form\, n.
1. The wedge-shaped characters used in ancient Persian and
Assyrian inscriptions. --I. Taylor (The Alphabet).
[1913 Webster]

2. (Anat.)
(a) One of the three tarsal bones supporting the first,
second third metatarsals. They are usually designated
as external, middle, and internal, or ectocuniform,
mesocuniform, and entocuniform, respectively.
(b) One of the carpal bones usually articulating with the
ulna; -- called also pyramidal and ulnare.
[1913 Webster]Entocuneiform \En`to*cu*ne"i*form\, Entocuniform
\En`to*cu"ni*form\, n. [Ento- + cuneiform, cuniform.] (Anat.)
One of the bones of the tarsus. See Cuneiform.
[1913 Webster]

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