Ethiopian,Etiopan Zdeněk Brož
Ethiopian,etiopský adj: Zdeněk Brož
Ethiop \E"thi*op\, Ethiopian \E`thi*o"pi*an\, n. [L. Aethiops,
Gr. ?; ? to burn + ? face.]
A native or inhabitant of Ethiopia; also, in a general sense,
a negro or black man. Ethiopian
Ethiopian \E`thi*o"pi*an\, Ethiopic \E`thi*op"ic\, a.
Of or relating to Ethiopia or the Ethiopians.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to or characteristic of Ethiopia or its
people or languages; "Ethiopian immigrants"
n 1: a native or inhabitant of Ethiopia
podobné slovodefinícia
Ethiopian,Etiopan Zdeněk BrožEthiopian,etiopský adj: Zdeněk Brož
adj 1: of or relating to or characteristic of Ethiopia or its
people or languages; "Ethiopian immigrants"
n 1: a native or inhabitant of Ethiopia
ethiopian banana
Ethiopian banana
n 1: large evergreen arborescent herb having huge paddle-shaped
leaves and bearing inedible fruit that resemble bananas but
edible young flower shoots; sometimes placed in genus Musa
[syn: Abyssinian banana, Ethiopian banana, {Ensete
ventricosum}, Musa ensete]
ethiopian language
Ethiopian language
n 1: the dominant and official language of Ethiopia; a Semitic
language much influenced by the Cushitic language with
which Amhara have been in close contact [syn: Amharic,
Ethiopian language]
ethiopian monetary unit
Ethiopian monetary unit
n 1: monetary unit in Ethiopia

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